Stars in Reviews Not Loading


Attached is an image describing my problem.

Thank you



Scott Fredeman :

Attached is an image describing my problem.

Thank you


We can see each individual review so its due to yesterdays site issues.

Advice from the Russian forum :

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Shaw, again?

Pavel Kozlov , 2020.10.20 21:38

Contact the service desk. We will solve your question.

Lorentzos Roussos:

We can see each individual review so its due to yesterdays site issues.

Advice from the Russian forum :

Service desk refers us to comment in Blog

Scott Fredeman:

Service desk refers us to comment in Blog

Which thread did they refer you to?

Lorentzos Roussos:

Which thread did they refer you to?

Service desk ticket says if the topic is not one of the topics listed go to forum to list it. And if I select one of the topics they have it also says to go to forum...... Service desk only deals with financial issues and things like that.

Scott Fredeman:

Service desk ticket says if the topic is not one of the topics listed go to forum to list it. And if I select one of the topics they have it also says to go to forum...... Service desk only deals with financial issues and things like that.
no stars with my products' reviews, not rents-buy within last month...
no stars with my products' reviews, not rents-buy within last month...
  • 2020.10.20
Hi all, in the last month I've notice a drastic reduction of download of my products and sadly discovered that my stars are disappeared...

You are about reviews from one product (because the other reviews were accepted by anti-fake review robot).
So, it is not a global bug (and it is for the service desk in case they consider it as a bug for example).

Sergey Golubev:

You are about reviews from one product (because the other reviews were accepted by anti-fake review robot).
So, it is not a global bug (and it is for the service desk in case they consider it as a bug for example).

Where in Service desk can we post for a bug? I did not see that topic 

Sergey Golubev:

You are about reviews from one product (because the other reviews were accepted by anti-fake review robot).
So, it is niot a global bug (and it is for the service desk in case they consider it as a bug for example).

But we can see the content (what users write) in his reviews on that product . 

I think if we cant see the review contents ,thats when it indicates the "anti-fake" mechanism . (at least thats how it was in the beggining) (did that change?)

-edit- they actually changed that ,reviews are visible anyway in the reviews tab ,Sergey is right

-edit2 - actually , there are products that their review tab looks like this : 

that maybe is an indication of the "anti-fake" system being applied . 

Review Stars are slowly re-appearing now.
Lorentzos Roussos:

But we can see the content (what users write) in his reviews on that product . 

I think if we cant see the review contents ,thats when it indicates the "anti-fake" mechanism . (at least thats how it was in the beggining) (did that change?)

-edit- they actually changed that ,reviews are visible anyway in the reviews tab ,Sergey is right

-edit2 - actually , there are products that their review tab looks like this : 

that maybe is an indication of the "anti-fake" system being applied . 

I have the same issue with one of my products, I contacted the service desk to have any clarification and the reply was " It is issue with your fake reviews Explain they please". I'm wondering who work at the service desk to give these rough and direct accusations without this being at all true. After all, mql5 can contact my customers and ask them and check with them! Actually , as I understood there is a bot based on an algo which consider fake or genuine the product reviews. Should I be defined as a dishonest by an algorithm? Are we joking? I feel at very least insulted, after my personal efforts and hard work to offer valid products on this site.