Libraries: Log4mql (MT5)


Log4mql (MT5):

A logging library similar to Log4j but for MQL.

Author: lippmaje


Hi @lippmaje!

I'm using Log4mql (MT5) in my custom indicator and with 2 last versions of MT5 I'm facing an issue to watch local variables in debug. All local variables have the value "Expression could not be evaluated". If I remove Log4mql from my code, I can watch all local variables again. The strange thing is that global variables show the values normally.

In my tests, I commented all lines with LOG_ and I have this situation after the line where I declare CLogManager  LogManager(...). When I commented this line too, the debug works again.

Have you faced this situation too?

Now I'm using build 2860 of MT5.



debug.jpg  37 kb
This happens also to me but I don't see how to work around this in the library. It's definitely an issue that came up with the recent builds. You may want to debug with an older version until it's fixed.

Hi @lippmaje!

I'm using Log4mql (MT5) in my custom indicator and with Build 3280 (22 April 2022).

I started to use several functions like LOG_DEBUG and LOG_INFO, and with parameter you provided in the exemple_sample file. It worked half a day but suddenly my debugger started to act weirdly:

Step over didn't work well and jumped to much further into the code and obviously generated fatal errors. Even when using step into every time it acted like this.

I didn't think this could happen with a library, but I tried what Marcio Yokoyama did, commented all what was linked with library and it started to work well again.

Did you or someone else face this behaviour ?

Maybe it is linked with the computer environment ?

Thank you for you replies. 

  • 2021.01.20
Trader's profile

Hi everyone,

I'm testing this  library and I've a trivial question, I copied the ex5 library in the Libraries folder, include file and the sample, it seems working well but in the MetaEditor the ex5 files does not show up, the other files are synced  with MQL5 storage so I can devlop using another computer, the issue if I cannot see the ex5 library file I cannot add it into the storage, does anyone know how libraries can be synced in the storage ?

UPDATE: I need to click right in the library folder and show all files
