How to rebind mousewheel so that it ZOOMS in/out instead of SCROLLS left/right?

I am used to Tradingview where dragging the mouse moves the chart horizontally, and the mouse wheel scrolls in/out.  I am considering using MT4 for strategy automation but I can't get over this little hiccup.   To make matters worse, the mousewheel is even inverted.  Why is there no option in the settings to change this?  This is pretty much common sense.  Its like designing a first person shooter game with non rebindable controls, that use arrow keys.  What a great way to piss off half the users coming from other platforms.  Anyways is there a script I can buy to fix this laziness or should I just go back to Tradingview where the controls make much more sense?

XM010-3841: I am considering using MT4 for strategy automation but I can't get over this little hiccup. 

Why is there no option in the settings to change this? 

This is pretty much common sense. 

What a great way to piss off half the users coming from other platforms. 

Anyways is there a script I can buy to fix this laziness or should I just go back to Tradingview where the controls make much more sense?

  1. Too bad, so sad. Adapt.
  2. When you code things you don't have to look at ever other possible way; they didn't. Only someone using TV might notice; get over yourself.
  3. Irrevalent. L/R arrow key, drag price scale to zoom; is just as a valid way.
  4. Why do you think anybody cares about TV or you here? This isn't Burger King — you don't get it your way.
  5. Adapt to this free platform, or leave. Snowflakes steam at the slightest heat.
William Roeder:
  1. Too bad, so sad. Adapt.
  2. When you code things you don't have to look at ever other possible way; they didn't. Only someone using TV might notice; get over yourself.
  3. Irrevalent. L/R arrow key, drag price scale to zoom; is just as a valid way.
  4. Why do you think anybody cares about TV or you here? This isn't Burger King — you don't get it your way.
  5. Adapt to this free platform, or leave. Snowflakes steam at the slightest heat.

Since you want to get technical I will explain why using the scrollwheel to move the chart horizontally is rubbish.  Just think about what a mouse wheel IS.  Its a precise instrument designed to scroll pages VERTICALLY, hence when the wheel is positioned as such.  Zooming in and out of a view can sometimes be considered the Z axis.  The mouse wheel is a wheel that you flick your finger across vertically, which is ideal for movements on the Z and Y axis.  Not horizontal movements.  You can already use left click and drag the mouse to move the chart horizontally so why waste a valuable input such as the scroll wheel on a redundant input is beyond me.  It makes more sense to use the mouse wheel since it is a more precise input, to zoom in/out then to move left and right.  The least they could have done was to UNinvert the scroll input.  What is this a first person shooter from the 90s?  Such a god damn stupid idea.  You might not agree with my reasoning (if you have a low IQ and can't comprehend the illogic behind this design decision), but atleast you should agree to the fact that everyone has their own preference.  There is a reason why Tradingview is the NUMBER ONE FREE chart viewing software.  Because they cater to the majority rule.  Oh and did I mention that it is also FREE just like this?  The only reason I am using MT4 is because of strategy automation.  You could not pay me to manually make drawings on this obsolete turd software.

MT4/MT5 Zoom on Charts with the Mouse Wheel free utility | Forex Factory
XM010-3841 #:

Since you want to get technical I will explain why using the scrollwheel to move the chart horizontally is rubbish.  Just think about what a mouse wheel IS.  Its a precise instrument designed to scroll pages VERTICALLY, hence when the wheel is positioned as such.  Zooming in and out of a view can sometimes be considered the Z axis.  The mouse wheel is a wheel that you flick your finger across vertically, which is ideal for movements on the Z and Y axis.  Not horizontal movements.  You can already use left click and drag the mouse to move the chart horizontally so why waste a valuable input such as the scroll wheel on a redundant input is beyond me.  It makes more sense to use the mouse wheel since it is a more precise input, to zoom in/out then to move left and right.  The least they could have done was to UNinvert the scroll input.  What is this a first person shooter from the 90s?  Such a god damn stupid idea.  You might not agree with my reasoning (if you have a low IQ and can't comprehend the illogic behind this design decision), but atleast you should agree to the fact that everyone has their own preference.  There is a reason why Tradingview is the NUMBER ONE FREE chart viewing software.  Because they cater to the majority rule.  Oh and did I mention that it is also FREE just like this?  The only reason I am using MT4 is because of strategy automation.  You could not pay me to manually make drawings on this obsolete turd software.

MT4/MT5 Zoom on Charts with the Mouse Wheel free utility
MT4/MT5 Zoom on Charts with the Mouse Wheel free utility
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