Modify Error 1

Although this EA works very well, I think there is still room for improvement.
For example, there is an error [modify Error 1] which does not interfere with its operation, but which I cannot fix.
I did several searches to correct this problem, but unfortunately, I did not find anything precise, for a correction, concrete and effective.
I found a few copy-paste articles which did not provide solutions.
If this is within your skill set, practical help from you would be nice.
//|                                                Scalper-GG-14.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
extern string mn="Scalper-GG-14";
double lot;
extern int shifthighrecent=5;
extern int shiftlowrecent=2;
extern int shifthigh=5;
extern int shiftlow=7;
extern bool trail=true;
extern int TrailingStop=2;
extern int  barnumber =24;
extern int barnumberrecent=33;
extern int MagicNumber=14072020;
//extern double TakeProfit=53;
extern double atrMultiple = 3;
extern int TrailingStart=21;
double stoplevel=(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL))/10;
int TS=TrailingStart-TrailingStop;
extern int volume1=1;
extern int volume0=0;
extern int adxperiod= 31;
extern int adxthreshold=23;
extern int rsiperiod=21;
extern int rsilower =48;
extern int rsiupper =80;
extern int Slippage=3;
extern int Indicatorperiod = 14;
input int   MaxSpreadAllow  = 10; // Enter Maximum allowed spread
extern double LotFactor =60; //lotsize factor
extern  int ecartask=2;
extern  int ecartbid=10;
extern int Start_Time = 0;   // Time to allow trading to start ( hours of 24 hr clock ) 0 for both disables
extern int Finish_Time = 0; // Time to stop trading ( hours of 24 hr clock ) 0 for both disables
extern double bidbid =600;
extern double askask =300;
extern int AddPriceGap=1;
//    expert start function
int start()
  if(TimeHour(TimeCurrent())>=Start_Time && TimeHour(TimeCurrent())<=Finish_Time )return(0);
  double MyPoint=Point;
  if(Digits==3 || Digits==5) MyPoint=Point*10;
  double TheStopLoss=0;
  double TheTakeProfit=0;
    double booster =  Volume[volume1]> Volume[volume0]
     &&iADX(Symbol(),0,adxperiod,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,0)> adxthreshold 
     &&iRSI(Symbol(),0,rsiperiod,PRICE_CLOSE,0)>rsilower && iRSI(Symbol(),0,rsiperiod,PRICE_CLOSE,0)<rsiupper ;  

   static datetime tmeBar0;
   bool newBar = false;
   if ( tmeBar0 != Time[0] ) 
      tmeBar0 = Time[0];
      newBar = true;
        // Get Ask and Bid for the currency 
        double ask = MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_ASK ); 
        double bid = MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_BID ); 
   double Spread = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD); // This will Obtain broker Spread for current pair
   if(Spread > 0 && Spread <= MaxSpreadAllow) // This part compares broker spread with maximum allowed spread, and refuse trade if maxSpread is exceeded
   if ( OrdersTotal () == 0 ) 
   if(AccountFreeMargin()>(1000*(AccountEquity() * 0.01 /LotFactor)))
//   Dynamic stoploss and takeprofit
    double ema = iMA(NULL, 0, 300, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
    double atr = iATR(NULL, 0, 3, 0);

    double StopLoss = (atr * atrMultiple / Point);
    double TakeProfit = StopLoss;
//Here is how Keltner Channels are calculated:

//Upper Band = EMA + (ATR x multiplier)

//Middle Band = EMA

//Lower Band = EMA - (ATR x multiplier)

//The EMA period can be set to anything you want. For day trading, an EMA of 15 to 40 is typical.

//A common multiplier for the ATR is 2, meaning the upper band will be plotted 2 x ATR above the EMA, and the lower band will be plotted 2 x ATR below the EMA.
    new_del () ;

  if( TotalOrdersCount()==0 ) 
     int result=0;
// Here is your open buy rule//Ici votre strategie d'achat
      double HighOfLastBarsrecent  = iHigh ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , iHighest ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , MODE_HIGH, barnumberrecent , shifthighrecent ));
      double LowOfLastBarsrecent  = iLow ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , iLowest ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , MODE_LOW, barnumberrecent , shiftlowrecent ));
      double HighOfLastBars  = iHigh ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , iHighest ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , MODE_HIGH, barnumber , shifthigh ));
      double LowOfLastBars  = iLow ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , iLowest ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , MODE_LOW, barnumber , shiftlow ));
      double AverageBars=(HighOfLastBars +LowOfLastBars)/2 ;
      double PartialLow=((LowOfLastBars+AverageBars)/2);
      double PartialHigh = ((HighOfLastBars+AverageBars)/2);
// Calculate a channel on Moving Averages, and check  the price 
                double iMaLow = iMA ( Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, Indicatorperiod, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_LOW, 0 ); 
                double iMaHigh = iMA ( Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, Indicatorperiod, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_HIGH, 0 ); 
                double iMaAverage = (iMaHigh + iMaLow)/2; 
                double PartialiMalow = (iMaLow + iMaAverage) / 2.0; 
                double PartialiMahigh =(iMaHigh + iMaAverage) / 2.0;      
                double UpperPart=(PartialiMahigh+PartialHigh)/2;
                double LowerPart= ( PartialiMalow+ PartialLow)/2;
if (((bid>= PartialiMahigh )
&&(bid>= PartialHigh )
if (bid>= HighOfLastBars )
if (HighOfLastBarsrecent>= HighOfLastBars)
//   Dynamic stoploss and takeprofit
      double ema = iMA(NULL, 0, 300, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
      double ema = iMA(NULL, 0, 300, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
if (Ask + askask * Point < ema)
        result=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP, NR(Lot_Volume()),Ask +ecartask*Point,5,PartialLow -StopLoss*Point-AddPriceGap,PartialHigh +TakeProfit*Point+AddPriceGap,"Scalper-GG-9",MagicNumber,0,clrLimeGreen);
         if(TakeProfit>0) TheTakeProfit=Ask+TakeProfit*MyPoint;
         if(StopLoss>0) TheStopLoss=Ask-StopLoss*MyPoint;
        if( OrderSelect(result,SELECT_BY_TICKET))
        bool modif1= OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),NormalizeDouble(TheStopLoss,Digits),NormalizeDouble(TheTakeProfit,Digits),0,Green);
// Here is your open Sell rule//Ici votre strategie de vente    
if (((PartialiMalow <= bid)&&(PartialLow <= bid)&&(booster)))
if (LowOfLastBars<= bid)
if( LowOfLastBarsrecent<=LowOfLastBars )
//   Dynamic stoploss and takeprofit
    if (Bid - bidbid * Point > ema) 
    result=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP, NR(Lot_Volume()),Bid-ecartbid*Point,5,PartialHigh +StopLoss*Point+AddPriceGap,PartialLow -TakeProfit*Point-AddPriceGap,"Scalper-GG-14",MagicNumber,0,clrRed);
         if(TakeProfit>0) TheTakeProfit=Bid-TakeProfit*MyPoint;
         if(StopLoss>0) TheStopLoss=Bid+StopLoss*MyPoint;
        if( OrderSelect(result,SELECT_BY_TICKET))
        bool modif2= OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),NormalizeDouble(TheStopLoss,Digits),NormalizeDouble(TheTakeProfit,Digits),0,Green);

//  Trailing Start 

 double Pip=Point*10;
   if(TS<stoplevel) TrailingStart=(int)stoplevel+TrailingStop;
      MessageBox("This Expert Advisor requires Auto Trading. Please reload the EA or right click on"+
                 "\nthe chart to bring up the inputs window. Under the common tab check the box to"+
                 "\nallow live trading");
      MessageBox("This Expert Advisor requires Auto Trading. Please click the button at the top");
   int ticket=0,buy_ticket=0,sell_ticket=0;  
   for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--)
      if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS) && OrderSymbol()==Symbol()){
      if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) buy_ticket=OrderTicket();
      if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) sell_ticket=OrderTicket();
 if(Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > TrailingStop *10* MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT))              
 if(((OrderStopLoss() < Bid - TrailingStop *10* MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT))&& ((Bid-OrderOpenPrice())>(Point*TrailingStop)))|| 
    bool modify1=OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Bid-TrailingStop*10*MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT),OrderTakeProfit(),clrGreenYellow);                                     
                        Print("Buy = ",GetLastError());
  if(((OrderStopLoss()>Ask+TrailingStop*10*MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT))&& ((OrderOpenPrice()-Ask)>(Point*TrailingStop)))|| 
  bool modify2=OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(), Ask+TrailingStop*10*MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT),OrderTakeProfit(),clrGreenYellow);                   
                        Print("Sell = ",GetLastError());

int TotalOrdersCount()
  int result=0;
  for(int i=0;i<OrdersTotal();i++)
      if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS ,MODE_TRADES))
     if (OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber) result++;

  return (result);
//          ( to close pending order) 
int new_del()
      if(trail) trail();
int i,a;
int total = OrdersTotal();
string comentario,par;
for (i=total-1; i >=0; i--)
if (OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL)
for (a=total-1; a >=0; a--)

 bool modify1= OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
Print("Deleting SELL_STOP"," Ordertype:",OrderType());
 bool modify2= OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
Print("Deleting BUY_STOP"," Ordertype:",OrderType());
   return ( 0 );
//| Trailing Stoploss after Breakeven                            |
void trail()
for (int i = OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i --)

               if(Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > TrailingStop *10* MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT)) 
                  if(((OrderStopLoss() < Bid - TrailingStop *10* MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT))&& ((Bid-OrderOpenPrice())>(Point*TrailingStop)))|| 
                      bool modify1=OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Bid-TrailingStop*10*MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT),OrderTakeProfit(),clrGreenYellow);                    
                 } else if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) {
                  if(((OrderStopLoss()>Ask+TrailingStop*10*MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT))&& ((OrderOpenPrice()-Ask)>(Point*TrailingStop)))|| 
                     bool modify2=OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),
//Calculates Lot Size based on balance and factor
double NR(double thelot)
double maxlots=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT),
double lots=lstep*NormalizeDouble(thelot/lstep,0);
return (lots);
double Lot_Volume()
lot=AccountEquity() * 0.01 /LotFactor ;

7413276: there is an error [modify Error 1] which does not interfere with its operation, but which I cannot fix.
  1. Why can't you fix your code?

    Use the debugger or print out your variables, including _LastError and prices and find out why. Do you really expect us to debug your code for you?

  2. Compute the new value, then check that you are moving the existing value at least a tick.

    PIP, Point, or Tick are all different in general.
              What is a TICK? - MQL4 programming forum 2014.08.03

    You Server
    Change the SL to X It is at X!
    Change the SL to X It is at X!
    Change the SL to X You are insane
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
William Roeder, I love this, ultimate, copy paste.
Thank you very much for this answer.
As usual, it does not provide any practical solution to the problem.
It is possible that other qualified readers of this discussion board will be kind enough to correct this error more effectively.
This error does not prevent the proper functioning of this EA.
My request is just there to learn how to correct an error, which is not really an error, which I cannot resolve after a lot of research for a long time.
Thank you in advance.
Excellent day to all.

Hey, most probably the issue comes from your trail function. As William Roeder said, the issue is because you try to modify the SL to a certain level, but the SL is already at this level and the server returns an error, because there is nothing to modify.

What you can do is just add one more condition to the function to check whether the SL is already at this level, if it is you dont modify it.

I hope i made it easy to understand

Best Regards mate

7413276: As usual, it does not provide any practical solution to the problem.
I already gave the practical advice (#1.2.) Now Stanislav has given the same advice. Insulting people when asking for help isn't very smart.

Stanislav Ivanov thank you

I will look into this solution


Let me be brief...

On your code add:

extern double MinPipsToModify=1;
This value should never be less than 1. It's the number of pips that must change before OrderModify() is called upon.

Below external inputs put...

double MPTM=MinPipsToModify*10*Point;

On your code where you have...

if (Bid-OrderOpenPrice()>TrailingStop*10*Point){
//Modify modify order...

AND where you have...

if (OrderOpenPrice()-Ask>TrailingStop*10*Point){
//Modify modify order...

Replace with, respectively,

if (Bid-OrderOpenPrice()>((TrailingStop*10*Point)+MPTM){
//Modify modify order...


if (OrderOpenPrice()-Ask>((TrailingStop*10*Point)+MPTM){
//Modify modify order...


To understand it more:

Let's say EURUSD is at 1.17501 and then price rises to 1.17503, the 1.17503 is greater than 1.17501 but OrderModify () does not recognise fractional pips. As such it looks at 1.17501 as equal to 1.17503. Even if price rises to 1.17509 the function still equates 1.17501==1.17509. It will continue to throw the error until price hits 1.1751. 

Consequently, 1.17513==1.17515==1.17518 according to OrderModify(). 



Thank you ,my friend !

You are the best 

You solve a problem that faces many of us !

Good  day !



Busingye Tusasirwe

Here is the complete program.

I corrected it, according to your effective and educational guidelines.

The program is now working perfectly.

Error 1 is finally gone.

Thank you very much for your kindness


//|                                                Scalper-GG-14.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
extern string mn="Scalper-GG-14";
double lot;
extern int shifthighrecent=5;
extern int shiftlowrecent=2;
extern int shifthigh=5;
extern int shiftlow=7;
extern bool trail=true;
extern int TrailingStop=2;
extern int  barnumber =24;
extern int barnumberrecent=33;
extern int MagicNumber=14072020;
//extern double TakeProfit=53;
extern double atrMultiple = 3;
extern int TrailingStart=21;
double stoplevel=(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL))/10;
int TS=TrailingStart-TrailingStop;
extern int volume1=1;
extern int volume0=0;
extern int adxperiod= 31;
extern int adxthreshold=23;
extern int rsiperiod=21;
extern int rsilower =48;
extern int rsiupper =80;
extern int Slippage=3;
extern int Indicatorperiod = 14;
input int   MaxSpreadAllow  = 10; // Enter Maximum allowed spread
extern double LotFactor =60; //lotsize factor
extern  int ecartask=2;
extern  int ecartbid=10;
extern int Start_Time = 0;   // Time to allow trading to start ( hours of 24 hr clock ) 0 for both disables
extern int Finish_Time = 0; // Time to stop trading ( hours of 24 hr clock ) 0 for both disables
extern double bidbid =600;
extern double askask =300;
extern int AddPriceGap=1;
extern double MinPipsToModify=1;
//    expert start function
int start()
  if(TimeHour(TimeCurrent())>=Start_Time && TimeHour(TimeCurrent())<=Finish_Time )return(0);
  double MyPoint=Point;
  if(Digits==3 || Digits==5) MyPoint=Point*10;
  double TheStopLoss=0;
  double TheTakeProfit=0;
    double booster =  Volume[volume1]> Volume[volume0]
     &&iADX(Symbol(),0,adxperiod,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,0)> adxthreshold 
     &&iRSI(Symbol(),0,rsiperiod,PRICE_CLOSE,0)>rsilower && iRSI(Symbol(),0,rsiperiod,PRICE_CLOSE,0)<rsiupper ;  

   static datetime tmeBar0;
   bool newBar = false;
   if ( tmeBar0 != Time[0] ) 
      tmeBar0 = Time[0];
      newBar = true;
        // Get Ask and Bid for the currency 
        double ask = MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_ASK ); 
        double bid = MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_BID ); 
   double Spread = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD); // This will Obtain broker Spread for current pair
   if(Spread > 0 && Spread <= MaxSpreadAllow) // This part compares broker spread with maximum allowed spread, and refuse trade if maxSpread is exceeded
   if ( OrdersTotal () == 0 ) 
   if(AccountFreeMargin()>(1000*(AccountEquity() * 0.01 /LotFactor)))
//   Dynamic stoploss and takeprofit
    double ema = iMA(NULL, 0, 300, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
    double atr = iATR(NULL, 0, 3, 0);

    double StopLoss = (atr * atrMultiple / Point);
    double TakeProfit = StopLoss;
//Here is how Keltner Channels are calculated:

//Upper Band = EMA + (ATR x multiplier)

//Middle Band = EMA

//Lower Band = EMA - (ATR x multiplier)

//The EMA period can be set to anything you want. For day trading, an EMA of 15 to 40 is typical.

//A common multiplier for the ATR is 2, meaning the upper band will be plotted 2 x ATR above the EMA, and the lower band will be plotted 2 x ATR below the EMA.
    new_del () ;

  if( TotalOrdersCount()==0 ) 
     int result=0;
// Here is your open buy rule//Ici votre strategie d'achat
      double HighOfLastBarsrecent  = iHigh ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , iHighest ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , MODE_HIGH, barnumberrecent , shifthighrecent ));
      double LowOfLastBarsrecent  = iLow ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , iLowest ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , MODE_LOW, barnumberrecent , shiftlowrecent ));
      double HighOfLastBars  = iHigh ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , iHighest ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , MODE_HIGH, barnumber , shifthigh ));
      double LowOfLastBars  = iLow ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , iLowest ( Symbol (), PERIOD_M1 , MODE_LOW, barnumber , shiftlow ));
      double AverageBars=(HighOfLastBars +LowOfLastBars)/2 ;
      double PartialLow=((LowOfLastBars+AverageBars)/2);
      double PartialHigh = ((HighOfLastBars+AverageBars)/2);
// Calculate a channel on Moving Averages, and check  the price 
                double iMaLow = iMA ( Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, Indicatorperiod, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_LOW, 0 ); 
                double iMaHigh = iMA ( Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, Indicatorperiod, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_HIGH, 0 ); 
                double iMaAverage = (iMaHigh + iMaLow)/2; 
                double PartialiMalow = (iMaLow + iMaAverage) / 2.0; 
                double PartialiMahigh =(iMaHigh + iMaAverage) / 2.0;      
                double UpperPart=(PartialiMahigh+PartialHigh)/2;
                double LowerPart= ( PartialiMalow+ PartialLow)/2;
if (((bid>= PartialiMahigh )
&&(bid>= PartialHigh )
if (bid>= HighOfLastBars )
if (HighOfLastBarsrecent>= HighOfLastBars)
//   Dynamic stoploss and takeprofit
      double ema = iMA(NULL, 0, 300, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
      double ema = iMA(NULL, 0, 300, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
if (Ask + askask * Point < ema)
        result=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP, NR(Lot_Volume()),Ask +ecartask*Point,5,PartialLow -StopLoss*Point-AddPriceGap,PartialHigh +TakeProfit*Point+AddPriceGap,"Scalper-GG-9",MagicNumber,0,clrLimeGreen);
         if(TakeProfit>0) TheTakeProfit=Ask+TakeProfit*MyPoint;
         if(StopLoss>0) TheStopLoss=Ask-StopLoss*MyPoint;
        if( OrderSelect(result,SELECT_BY_TICKET))
        bool modif1= OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),NormalizeDouble(TheStopLoss,Digits),NormalizeDouble(TheTakeProfit,Digits),0,Green);
// Here is your open Sell rule//Ici votre strategie de vente    
if (((PartialiMalow <= bid)&&(PartialLow <= bid)&&(booster)))
if (LowOfLastBars<= bid)
if( LowOfLastBarsrecent<=LowOfLastBars )
//   Dynamic stoploss and takeprofit
    if (Bid - bidbid * Point > ema) 
    result=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP, NR(Lot_Volume()),Bid-ecartbid*Point,5,PartialHigh +StopLoss*Point+AddPriceGap,PartialLow -TakeProfit*Point-AddPriceGap,"Scalper-GG-14",MagicNumber,0,clrRed);
         if(TakeProfit>0) TheTakeProfit=Bid-TakeProfit*MyPoint;
         if(StopLoss>0) TheStopLoss=Bid+StopLoss*MyPoint;
        if( OrderSelect(result,SELECT_BY_TICKET))
        bool modif2= OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),NormalizeDouble(TheStopLoss,Digits),NormalizeDouble(TheTakeProfit,Digits),0,Green);

//  Trailing Start 

 double Pip=Point*10;
   if(TS<stoplevel) TrailingStart=(int)stoplevel+TrailingStop;
      MessageBox("This Expert Advisor requires Auto Trading. Please reload the EA or right click on"+
                 "\nthe chart to bring up the inputs window. Under the common tab check the box to"+
                 "\nallow live trading");
      MessageBox("This Expert Advisor requires Auto Trading. Please click the button at the top");
   int ticket=0,buy_ticket=0,sell_ticket=0;  
   for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--)
      if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS) && OrderSymbol()==Symbol()){
      if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) buy_ticket=OrderTicket();
      if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) sell_ticket=OrderTicket();
 if(Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > TrailingStop *10* MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT))              
 if(((OrderStopLoss() < Bid - TrailingStop *10* MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT))&& ((Bid-OrderOpenPrice())>(Point*TrailingStop)))|| 
    bool modify1=OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Bid-TrailingStop*10*MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT),OrderTakeProfit(),clrGreenYellow);                                     
                        Print("Buy = ",GetLastError());
  if(((OrderStopLoss()>Ask+TrailingStop*10*MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT))&& ((OrderOpenPrice()-Ask)>(Point*TrailingStop)))|| 
  bool modify2=OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(), Ask+TrailingStop*10*MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT),OrderTakeProfit(),clrGreenYellow);                   
                        Print("Sell = ",GetLastError());

int TotalOrdersCount()
  int result=0;
  for(int i=0;i<OrdersTotal();i++)
      if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS ,MODE_TRADES))
     if (OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber) result++;

  return (result);
//          ( to close pending order) 
int new_del()
      if(trail) trail();
int i,a;
int total = OrdersTotal();
string comentario,par;
for (i=total-1; i >=0; i--)
if (OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL)
for (a=total-1; a >=0; a--)

 bool modify1= OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
Print("Deleting SELL_STOP"," Ordertype:",OrderType());
 bool modify2= OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
Print("Deleting BUY_STOP"," Ordertype:",OrderType());
   return ( 0 );
//| Trailing Stoploss after Breakeven                            |
void trail()
for (int i = OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i --)

    double MPTM=MinPipsToModify*10*Point;
               if(Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > TrailingStop *10* MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT)+ MPTM) 
                  if(((OrderStopLoss() < Bid - TrailingStop *10* MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT))&& ((Bid-OrderOpenPrice())>(Point*TrailingStop)))|| 
                      bool modify1=OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Bid-TrailingStop*10*MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT),OrderTakeProfit(),clrGreenYellow);                    
                 } else if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) {
      double MPTM=MinPipsToModify*10*Point;           
                  if(((OrderStopLoss()>Ask+TrailingStop*10*MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT))&& ((OrderOpenPrice()-Ask)>(Point*TrailingStop)))|| 
                     bool modify2=OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),
//Calculates Lot Size based on balance and factor
double NR(double thelot)
double maxlots=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT),
double lots=lstep*NormalizeDouble(thelot/lstep,0);
return (lots);
double Lot_Volume()
lot=AccountEquity() * 0.01 /LotFactor ;


Busingye Tusasirwe
Busingye Tusasirwe
Trader's profile
Stanislav Ivanov #:

Hey, most probably the issue comes from your trail function. As William Roeder said, the issue is because you try to modify the SL to a certain level, but the SL is already at this level and the server returns an error, because there is nothing to modify.

What you can do is just add one more condition to the function to check whether the SL is already at this level, if it is you dont modify it.

I hope i made it easy to understand

Best Regards mate

thank you stanislav

you solved my problem.god bless you