How to make a Panel StayOnTop every Chart


Hi all

I want to make a panel which has ability to show the list of all open charts and open positions which let me navigate through them by clicking the list items.

How can I do that easily?


Easily? You can´t. In MQL - impossible to make it topmost. 

What you have to to is to export the data from at least one EA which collects all the data from all charts and assigns all positions to the chart and create a window based application or DLL in C# or C++. 


I already did it but results somehow not satisfactory

mql file format and forexample Delphi file formats are not matching and even if you solve this problem still there is lag issue.

even with miliseconds OnTimer event or even OnTick function still metatrader is waiiiiiittttiinnggg and waaaiiiittiiiinggg and waaaattinggggg to read the data from file or write the data to file.

mql5 is sorry to say but a primitive working environment comparing the others and not willing to communicate with outer world in a healthy way.


And what about this approach, can it be the solution?

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I already did it but results somehow not satisfactory

mql file format and forexample Delphi file formats are not matching and even if you solve this problem still there is lag issue.

even with miliseconds OnTimer event or even OnTick function still metatrader is waiiiiiittttiinnggg and waaaiiiittiiiinggg and waaaattinggggg to read the data from file or write the data to file.

mql5 is sorry to say but a primitive working environment comparing the others and not willing to communicate with outer world in a healthy way.

Sorry but that's absolutely not exact. Working with files work pretty well and fast in general.

And if you need more performance, don't use files for IPC but other more efficient alternatives like MemoryMapped files, Named Pipes or even Sockets.

could you be more specific about MemoryMapped files, Named Pipes or even Sockets.
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Many developers face the same problem - how to get to the trading terminal sandbox without using unsafe DLLs. One of the easiest and safest method is to use standard Named Pipes that work as normal file operations. They allow you to organize interprocessor client-server communication between programs. Although there is an already published...
You can scan all ChartID() and use that to display the GUI from one central EA on all charts and then you have to make a custom CustomChartEvent() to make the buttons on the other charts responsive.
I would not say that it is impossible because i have done it many times but i also wont say its easy because it involves a lot of coding.
Marco vd Heijden:
You can scan all ChartID() and use that to display the GUI from one central EA on all charts and then you have to make a custom CustomChartEvent() to make the buttons on the other charts responsive.
I would not say that it is impossible because i have done it many times but i also wont say its easy because it involves a lot of coding.

thanks good approach, at least it gives a way to solve.