Is MT5 corrupting Windows 10 Installation? - page 2

William Roeder:
  1. Try reducing Tools → Options (control-O) → Charts → Max bars in chart to something reasonable (like 1K.)
  2. Try reducing your optimization period to a smaller length.
  3. More RAM

Hi, William!

Thank for your reply.

Just to keep it aligned :

1 . It was really high, I've reduced now.

2. The period isn't too high. I'm using two years period.

3 . I have 8 GB. I know that isn't the best setup, but it was running great  until last week. My machine was on almost 24/7 running optimizations and then suddenly it starts to give blue screen error and so on....

It is possible to be a power failure? Something with my power supply?

Eklon Eleuterio: then suddenly it starts to give blue screen error and so on....
You are asking question of us, but have provided no information for us to even guess.

If its possible check the temperature settings in your bios and if possible monitor the temperature when the pc reboots.

If you find that the temperature get's too high, check that your cooling system is running properly.

Also look into the eventviewer logbook to see if there are any specific entries.

William Roeder:
You are asking question of us, but have provided no information for us to even guess.

William, I'm asking about this behavior that is new for my machine . But as I'm facing blue screen error, i'm not able to generate any info that could help you to try a guess.

Or maybe I'm not understanding what kind of information can help you to help me. : -)

Please, what kind of info I can show you for you understand the  scenario that i'm facing?

Marco vd Heijden:

If its possible check the temperature settings in your bios and if possible monitor the temperature when the pc reboots.

If you find that the temperature get's too high, check that your cooling system is running properly.

Also look into the eventviewer logbook to see if there are any specific entries.

Hi, Marco

I'm using some hardware monitor to check real time temperature for CPU, GPU and so on...

There is no kind of temperature increase. Btw, when I got the blue screen error, the CPU was almost on idle threshold. It load level was similar that when the terminal is synching the database before run the tests.

As I mentioned in William reply : I have some experience with computers. But I don't know what kind of info can be really usefull for you guys from the community. Maybe some log?


It's not only the CPU the harddisk or GPU can also overheat.

Did you check the event viewer ? Start>RUN>EVENTVWR > systemlog

Maybe there is an entry with error code that you can look up to pin point the issue in a more targeted way.

Eklon Eleuterio:

Hi, Marco

I'm using some hardware monitor to check real time temperature for CPU, GPU and so on...

There is no kind of temperature increase. Btw, when I got the blue screen error, the CPU was almost on idle threshold. It load level was similar that when the terminal is synching the database before run the tests.

As I mentioned in William reply : I have some experience with computers. But I don't know what kind of info can be really usefull for you guys from the community. Maybe some log?

Hi Eklon.

Reading your post I might have some guidelines that will help resolve the issue.

1. SSD I would definitely be careful of when backtesting. replace the drive with a standard HD and see if it has the same issue.
2. Ram make with model motherboard can also cause issues. look for firmware upgrade on motherboard and if there is any history on Ram make that can cause issues with the motherboard.
3. Windows 10 should not be giving any issues, but try installing a Windows 8 or Windows 7 version and see if there is any difference (Take note of the SSD with Windows 8 and Windows 7 don't always get along so best is to install a standard HD)
4. in very rare cases it can be the power supply unit that flips out and causes the system to be drained due to the processing requirements and causes the system to hang, give a blue screen or just reset.
5. Also keep in mind if it is real tick data, The great size of the data as it is real data has a big impact on backtesting. as you are using an SSD you should also check the rating on the SSD for handling data processing and speeds it can provide.

6. I believe that it is not your CPU heat unless the CPU is damaged. But monitoring software will not be able to tell you the issue if it is the CPU.

Hope the information helps a bit.

Regards Franzel

Franzel Botha:

Hi Eklon.

Reading your post I might have some guidelines that will help resolve the issue.

1. SSD I would definitely be careful of when backtesting. replace the drive with a standard HD and see if it has the same issue.
2. Ram make with model motherboard can also cause issues. look for firmware upgrade on motherboard and if there is any history on Ram make that can cause issues with the motherboard.
3. Windows 10 should not be giving any issues, but try installing a Windows 8 or Windows 7 version and see if there is any difference (Take note of the SSD with Windows 8 and Windows 7 don't always get along so best is to install a standard HD)
4. in very rare cases it can be the power supply unit that flips out and causes the system to be drained due to the processing requirements and causes the system to hang, give a blue screen or just reset.
5. Also keep in mind if it is real tick data, The great size of the data as it is real data has a big impact on backtesting. as you are using an SSD you should also check the rating on the SSD for handling data processing and speeds it can provide.

6. I believe that it is not your CPU heat unless the CPU is damaged. But monitoring software will not be able to tell you the issue if it is the CPU.

Hope the information helps a bit.

Regards Franzel

Hi Franzel!

I will follow your instructions for the steps I didn't completed yet, as:

1- Install W10 into a standard HD. I'm sure that only installing MT5 terminal into another HD will not help, once the Data Folder keeps on Windows main drive, right?

2 - I will try W10 into another HD, then I`ll try Ubuntu 18 and after that W8 and W7.

3- Is possible to have some issues with my power supply. I'm concerned about it, cause it can damage any undamaged components.

But I'll use this reply to update you:

I've dramatically increased the Virtual Memory. It was really huge chance. After that I was able to run one full optimization. It works until the end and the Memory Management error . But in my second try, it gets the BSOD but with another, and worst error: CRITICAL PROCESSED DIED. :-(

"Critical Process Died" Event Viewer log

Well.. I just want to make my self clear that this error was not happening. It starts to happen than it is getting worse.


After restart the computer and tried again but only with one Agents activ:

There's an option to disable auto restart in case of a BSOD, so you could pin down the error codes.