Scripts: Balance Graph HTML - page 2


This might be shorter and faster

Yes, it is shorter. But has no possibility of further modification. For example, if you need to get graphs of profits, commissions, turnover, etc.

#define OP_BALANCE 6
#define OP_CREDIT  7
fxsaber, can I use the animated gif from your post
fxsaber, can I use the animated gif from your post

Of course!


Where can I generate various variants of the Graph.txt file?

<script src="exdat.txt" type="text/javascript"></script>

How to include data from exdat.txt file in final html file?


This method does not work. Therefore, I wrote a universal converter.

void ChangeString( string &Str )
  StringReplace(Str, "\\", "\\\\");
  StringReplace(Str, "\"", "\\\"");
  Str = "\"" + Str + "\\r\\n\" + " + "\n";

bool TextFileToMQH( const string FileNameIn, const string FileNameOut )
  const int handleIn = FileOpen(FileNameIn, FILE_READ | FILE_TXT | FILE_ANSI);
  bool Res = (handleIn != INVALID_HANDLE);

  if (Res)  
    const int handleOut = FileOpen(FileNameOut, FILE_WRITE | FILE_TXT | FILE_ANSI);
    if (Res = (handleOut != INVALID_HANDLE))
      FileWriteString(handleOut, "string StrMQH = \n");
      while (!FileIsEnding(handleIn))
        string Str = FileReadString(handleIn);
        FileWriteString(handleOut, Str);

      FileWriteString(handleOut, "NULL;\n");

void OnStart()
  TextFileToMQH("Graph.txt", "Graph.mqh");

Now you can include the file in the source code

#include <..\Files\Graph.mqh>

I pasted your HTML code into my library.


I pasted your HTML code into my library.

No problem 
Excellent work 
Great work! A pity that balance graphs aren't included by default in MT5.