Any idea how to make such indicator working in tester's visual mode?
THANK YOU! I modified this indicator to show the local time for each bar using OnChartEvent()...CHARTEVENT_CLICK to show the price of the cursor and local time of any bar.
AT LAST!!!!!
NOW I know what NYC time is for a bar that Broker Time is 7 hours difference and can adjust for ANY integer time difference. The cursor price is HUGE help to see. Even with a big screen, I cannot read the price of the cursor on the screen as is. I have modified your code to allow various sizes for the labels.
The starting point of this program REALLY REALLY HELPS!!!!!! I am sure I will make other modifications that make the labels more helpful for trading.
REALLY COOL DISCOVERY TOO... Your Labels can be moved! This makes it critical to Identify the the source of each TIME and price as part of the label text but very helpful to move them out of the way of the chart.
I CAN FINALLY SEE!!!!! I have LOCAL TIME for each bar start and NOW I can focus on setting up the indicators for trading!!!!!!!!
I still am stuck with the color of the cursor and I have not adjusted for Daylight Savings Time issues. These are relatively minor issues to be addressed soon.
BLESSINGS UPON YOU FOR THIS CONTRIBUTION!!!! I will add my modifications to the community and keep you mentioned as the original source!!!!
Any ideas how to make this indicator to show what local time when I hovering mouse on a candlebar?
Thanks in advance
Any ideas how to make this indicator to show what local time when I hovering mouse on a candlebar?
Thanks in advance
It cannot be modified to do it. This indicator just places two labels with the current time.
It does not inspect any candlebars.

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Time indicator:
Author: Tonny Obare