Libraries: TCP socket


TCP socket :

placed utility functions from ryaz's server socket into socket.mqh, makes it really easy to use. comes with similar server example.

Author: seth

So, this was sort of a quick start for me, easiest thing to do to use someone elses code. However, right now im looking at using, an asynchronous library which actually makes sense - simple functions to open connection, accept, receive, close, etc!. Just throwing that out there, i know that ive heard people wanting asynchronous before.

better library using zeromq here


Hi Starry,

It took me a week to study and try to setup.

1. With wsockserv

  • wsockserv EURUSD,H1: Server: listening and waiting connection port:7779, protocol:TCP
  • wsockserv EURUSD,H1: Server: listen() is OK.
  • wsockserv EURUSD,H1: Server: bind() is OK
  • .....

2. With wsockclnt 

  • wsockclnt EURUSD,H1: Client: recv() failed: error 10054
  • wsockclnt EURUSD,H1: Client: Sent data This is a test message from client _ Hello 0
  • wsockclnt EURUSD,H1: Client: send() is OK.
  • wsockclnt EURUSD,H1: Client: connect() is OK.
  • wsockclnt EURUSD,H1: Client: Client connecting to: ( IP)
  • .....

That means, Server is waiting and Client is sent msg. But I dont know why it can not communicate with together.

Please support if someone know about this.

Thank you very much for your support. 


What is the best solution to connect 2 PC over Internet with MT4 to send signal to each other?


Is this project working with MT > Build 600??

Guys the sources are working but still trying to migrate this to MT5 currently:

I am currently trying to make it work on MT5 but still no success.

 - first point I don't understand why inet_addr() func return me a different value when executed in MT4 vs MT5?

 - then looks like the struct2str is hitting out of range systematically? do you know what could be the cause ?

Thanks for your findings.

TCP socket
TCP socket
  • votes: 1
  • 2010.07.05
  • seth
placed utility functions from ryaz's server socket into socket.mqh, makes it really easy to use. comes with similar server example.