Buy + Sell Every New Candlestick EA

Hello Programmers

I am looking for the EA to do a very simple thing.

Just open Buy + Sell after every new candlestick.

That's all i need

Don't double post please.
Alain Verleyen:
Don't double post please.

Ok. Sorry man.



So what is now the original thread, this one or another?!

(just asking because I am also curious about this)

Andreas Bauer:

So what is now the original thread, this one or another?!

(just asking because I am also curious about this)

Don't stress about that. Read what the thread is all about. I think you understand the main request my friend

Thanks for your comment

This is a pointless request. Buy + Sell = net 0 position. Brokers love amateur traders who do this because it's free commission with zero risk. 
nicholi shen:
This is a pointless request. Buy + Sell = net 0 position. Brokers love amateur traders who do this because it's free commission with zero risk. 
Ok thanks for your comment

Don't let others tell you what is good and what isn't.

What they discard as 'Pointless' might very well turn out to be your ticket to success. 

If you want to know something, try it.

Marco vd Heijden:

Don't let others tell you what is good and what isn't.

What they discard as 'Pointless' might very well turn out to be your ticket to success. 

If you want to know something, try it.

I ignored him.

Thanks for your words Man



The people that already have their conclusions as to why something can work or can not work, on forehand, those are the most dangerous people to communicate with.

In this world the only real feedback results are gathered from testing and trying things.

You could consider that trial and error, but with a definite direction in search for a final working solution like:

'I do this, so that.....'  

MT4 Trading:
Hello Programmers

I am looking for the EA to do a very simple thing.

Just open Buy + Sell after every new candlestick.

That's all i need

How the trades are closed? by TP/SL or is there another method ?