Subscription to FX signal


Hello , 

I want to subscribe to a signal provider ( Using MT5 ) but when I go to '' Subscribe '' , error message appears :


Position accounting system mismatch , the signal provider uses Netting ''

May I ask what does it mean ?

Greetings ,



Hello , 

I want to subscribe to a signal provider ( Using MT5 ) but when I go to '' Subscribe '' , error message appears :


Position accounting system mismatch , the signal provider uses Netting ''

May I ask what does it mean ?

Greetings ,


there r 2 type of MT5: either hedging or netting mode.

seems like the signal provider uses netting and urs is hedging type.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Netting account or hedging account?

Lumy, 2017.05.11 14:35

Hello everyone, 

Sorry to bother with such a simple question but how can I check inside the mt5 platform if an account is netting or hedging, regardless if it's a real account or a demo account? 

Thank you very much for your help. 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Netting account or hedging account?

Jose Francisco Casado Fernandez, 2017.05.11 15:15

When you connect to a broker server, it will show you a message in Journal, as you can see in the picture below:


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Netting account or hedging account?

Jose Francisco Casado Fernandez, 2017.05.11 15:26

You can use this simple script when you want, as well.  It will print a message in Experts Tab.

//|                                                  Margin Mode.mq5 |
//|                               Copyright ©2016, Robertomar Trader |
//|                   |
//|                              |
#property copyright "Copyright ©2016, Robertomar Trader"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
    string hedge = IsHedging(margin_mode) ? "allowed" : "not allowed";
    PrintFormat("Margin Mode: %s.  Hedging %s", EnumToString(margin_mode), hedge);

bool IsHedging(ENUM_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE &margmod) 





I still don't understand how to subscribe to signal provider who uses Netting



I still don't understand how to subscribe to signal provider who uses Netting


You need a MT5 netting account.



My broker <Deleted> offers only hedge account and no netting account, how can i filter the search results of signals so that it only shows me signals that can run on hedged account. Thanks,

Vipin Bhatia:


My broker <Deleted> offers only hedge account and no netting account, how can i filter the search results of signals so that it only shows me signals that can run on hedged account. Thanks,

With a hedge account you can copy all kind of MT5 signals.

Vipin Bhatia:


My broker pepperstone offers only hedge account and no netting account, how can i filter the search results of signals so that it only shows me signals that can run on hedged account. Thanks,

You can check Signal tab with Metatrader connected to your broker (the signals should be filters based on compatibility with your trading account).
Or you can use Signal webpage - -

Trading signals for MetaTrader 5
Trading signals for MetaTrader 5
Choose a signal you are interested in and subscribe to it in a few clicks. Monitored accounts are provided with a detailed statistics and trading history. Watch a Tutorial Video on how to subscribe to a Signal. Sell the...