I Need a Mentor. - page 2



You are indeed green, if you expect someone with real trading abilities to simply take you under his wing and make you a success. All mentors have paid a steep price to get where they are, and not likely to simply take newbies in out of the kindness of their hearts. Anyone that does should be highly suspect. If you do some reading, you will find that most successful traders became such, after losing a fortune or two. Forex trading is not just the learning of a few entry/exit methods, but changing your whole way of thinking. Psychology.

the only way to become good at something is being terrible at it first
I need a mentor that will guide me

You'll find plenty of tutorial and guides on the forum / mql website / internet. 

That said, each one following the same guideline will interpret a strategy its own way, hence results are differents from one to the other ; just like a well-known music re-interpreted in a TV show, vocal signature is individually specific.

But everyone agree to say that it requires some personal effort : documentation is the same for everyone, editor & language are universal too, and you'll get answer to most of the question on forums.

None is tricked, if you get bad results your work is bad - restart or give up - if you get good results your work is good - enjoy or improve.



Dont learn any thing about trading  or  how the market works.

Your best approach is to study  forex (ie about currecies and how they are put togeather in an exchange).

The honest reasons i say this is why 90% of retail following the education of forex  loose or fail

if fact the winners are usually  the ones that do not follow the education but  depend on  guidence of thier own instint.

The more you know the more you will fear and that my friend is road to failure.


I'm new to all of this may someone please be my mentor coz I need one really bad from teaching me about mql5  PLEASE
I'm new to all of this may someone please be my mentor coz I need one really bad from teaching me about mql5  PLEASE

A lot of mentors are needed in this forum, imagine that.


Nobody can teach you how to drive the car with just words.

You have to go through the motions and learn by practice.

Until it becomes a habit.

I hate to say this but those people above are just looking for a quick fix,

They seem to have the impression it can be learned by a spoonfeed and probably rather quickly.

And they also seem to believe that there are other people here 'mentors' who are just waiting to feed them.

Just forget it.

If you are a winner you will win without a mentor.

And if you are a loser, you will lose, even with a mentor.

Marco vd Heijden:

Nobody can teach you how to drive the car with just words.

You have to go through the motions and learn by practice.

Until it becomes a habit.

I hate to say this but those people above are just looking for a quick fix,

They seem to have the impression it can be learned by a spoonfeed and probably rather quickly.

And they also seem to believe that there are other people here 'mentors' who are just waiting to feed them.

Just forget it.

If you are a winner you will win without a mentor.

And if you are a loser, you will lose, even with a mentor.

I think you're right, even if Messi is your football mentor, you can't replicate his success, there's a genetic component that people forget about

I'm new to all of this may someone please be my mentor coz I need one really bad from teaching me about mql5  PLEASE
may be this has become a mentors request forum.topic may need change ;D
whats up with all the numbers nicknames texting and asking for help in the forum