Do you think you could get filthy rich making millions on Bitcoin investing today?

  • 9% (4)
  • 43% (20)
  • 24% (11)
  • 24% (11)
Total voters: 40
Filthy stinking rich: two out of three ain't bad.

you can get filthy rich by trading a lot of instruments... not only Bitcoin.

Marco vd Heijden:

you can get filthy rich by trading a lot of instruments... not only Bitcoin.


As you understand, Bitcoin began to behave more unpredictably. Some analysts even predict the drop of Bitcoin to zero. Now, I'm trying to switch to another Symbol, on the SP500. Approximately for 11 months SP500 confidently goes up. SP500 does not fall to zero. This is 100%. I turn to the SP500 trade.

Victor Ziborov:

As you understand, Bitcoin began to behave more unpredictably. Some analysts even predict the drop of Bitcoin to zero. Now, I'm trying to switch to another Symbol, on the SP500. Approximately for 11 months SP500 confidently goes up. SP500 does not fall to zero. This is 100%. I turn to the SP500 trade.

good opinion


There should be a second option after "ofcourse ..."

Can you get rich making a million or more investing in bitcoin ... Yes

Marco vd Heijden:

you can get filthy rich by trading a lot of instruments... not only Bitcoin.

Ofcourse getting filthy rich trading other instruments aswell are for sure possible yes! 

This poll was about bitcoin itself ;) and yes sure there's many thoughts about it and there could be more answer options i agree.

Thats the second time i share something about bitcoin here, this is Clem Chambers you can read all about him, the thing that i would like to point out is that every article he wrote about bitcoin in the page above came true in the near future "a matter of 3 months or so"

He is saying that bitcoin will go up to 50k and i would believe him, looking back through his article bitcoin crashes every now and then but it rebounds as soon as the crash touches down

That was what happened in the last couple of days and it will probably continue to happen over and over until the currency becomes official/gov level

Another thing, lets look back at the sequence of events that happened the last couple of weeks

bitcoin goes as high as 19k, the most famous bitcoin co-founder sells all his bitcoin, litecoin co-founder sells all his coins "both are so little in the market to make a bad effect"

future trading is open, in my own understanding of trading, this is when the big money comes in play, take a look at the sharp drop .. it reached ~11000$

Now the above picture only calls for more rise

Big question is how is 2018 going to be? Or in another way is the rise going to be there too or would it take longer to reach such crazy increase!

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Raiblock is the coin to make a person rich if he invest today, i'm all in on this, i entered at 4$ now it's more than 10, but in my calculations 1 raiblock must be about 2000 USD, there's no other coin like this, it made in 2 weeks what bitcoin took years, yesterday it

crossed 1 billion market cap. What raiblock have different: absolutely 0 fees, and instant transfer, no other coin can do that,except raiblock, this thing is gonna be huge, disrupt banks and government coins


compare all cc    raiblock is not in this list - although I have to admit it made a good gain in the last two weeks, but its simple not as much

but yeah, interesting that there are no fees charged, in the past I bought some btc and those fees you have to pay at any transaction... went on my nervs

May I ask where you are trading xrb?! Or is it just possible to buy it.

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