thanks for your reply... I used the mentioned function in my code however unable to get the desired result. the moving average is being draw in chart window not in ART window. following is my code, please tell me what am I doing wrong.
void CalculateATR_EMA(string symbol) { double myPriceArray[]; int averageTrueRangeDefination = iATR(symbol, Period(), 14); ArraySetAsSeries(myPriceArray, true); CopyBuffer(averageTrueRangeDefination, 0, 0, 3, myPriceArray); MqlRates priceInfo[]; ArraySetAsSeries(priceInfo, true); int data = CopyRates(symbol, _Period, 0, 3, priceInfo); double myMovingAverageArray[]; int movingAverageDefinatin = iMA(symbol, _Period, 14, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE); ArraySetAsSeries(myMovingAverageArray, true); CopyBuffer(movingAverageDefinatin, 0, 0, 3, myMovingAverageArray); ExponentialMAOnBuffer(4, 0, 0, 14, myPriceArray, myMovingAverageArray); //double averageTrueRangeValue = NormalizeDouble(myPriceArray[0], 5); }
thanks for your reply... I used the mentioned function in my code however unable to get the desired result. the moving average is being draw in chart window not in ART window. following is my code, please tell me what am I doing wrong.
Here is an "as simple as it gets" example
#property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 2 #property indicator_plots 2 #include <MovingAverages.mqh> input int AtrPeriod = 14; // ATR period input int EmaPeriod = 14; // EMA period double atrBuffer[],emaBuffer[]; //------------------------------------------------------------------ // //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // // // // void OnInit() { SetIndexBuffer(0,atrBuffer,INDICATOR_DATA); PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_DRAW_TYPE,DRAW_LINE); PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_LINE_COLOR,clrDodgerBlue); SetIndexBuffer(1,emaBuffer,INDICATOR_DATA); PlotIndexSetInteger(1,PLOT_DRAW_TYPE,DRAW_LINE); PlotIndexSetInteger(1,PLOT_LINE_COLOR,clrRed); } void OnDeinit(const int reason) { } int OnCalculate(const int rates_total, const int prev_calculated, const datetime& time[], const double& open[], const double& high[], const double& low[], const double& close[], const long& tick_volume[], const long& volume[], const int& spread[]) { static int _atrHandle = INVALID_HANDLE; if (_atrHandle == INVALID_HANDLE) _atrHandle = iATR(_Symbol,_Period,14); if (_atrHandle == INVALID_HANDLE || BarsCalculated(_atrHandle)<rates_total) return(prev_calculated); // // // // // int to_copy = (prev_calculated>rates_total || prev_calculated<=0) ? rates_total : rates_total-prev_calculated+1; if(CopyBuffer(_atrHandle,0,0,to_copy,atrBuffer)<=0) return(0); ExponentialMAOnBuffer(rates_total,prev_calculated,0,EmaPeriod,atrBuffer,emaBuffer); return(rates_total); }
Use that code as a sample. But trying to calculate ema on only 4 values (as you have tried) might lead to highly misleading results. Ema needs more past data (unlike some other average types) for a "stable" result. In any case, replace the value assigned to to_copy with your desired fixed number of bars, and it should work for you in an EA code as well
Bundle of thanks for your reply Mladen Rakic,
I have put the above provided code in custom indicator and it compiled successfully, I used it via iCustom(.......) function. the issue is that when I run the expert advisor, the expert attach the indicator again and again. Please refer to the following snapshot:
following is the block of code where I used iCustom(...) method to add this indicator:
void OnTick() { int emaATRDefination = iCustom(_Symbol, _Period, "ATR_EMA"); if(emaATRDefination == INVALID_HANDLE) Print("Handle invalid for ... error= ", GetLastError()); }
Moreover, please tell me how to get buffer values out of indicator.
Bundle of thanks for your reply Mladen Rakic,
I have put the above provided code in custom indicator and it compiled successfully, I used it via iCustom(.......) function. the issue is that when I run the expert advisor, the expert attach the indicator again and again. Please refer to the following snapshot:
following is the block of code where I used iCustom(...) method to add this indicator:
Moreover, please tell me how to get buffer values out of indicator.
Please check here :
Happy new year ...

Hi @Mladen Rakic,
Thanks for your Sample instructions, ive tried modifying the code to include the Indicator_Color, the indicator does change its color, however, the points at which it changes seems a little off. Would you mind taking a look at it for me?
#property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 2 #property indicator_plots 1 #property indicator_type1 DRAW_COLOR_LINE #property indicator_color1 clrDarkGray,clrGoldenrod,clrSteelBlue #include <MovingAverages.mqh> input int ma_period = 30; input int ma_shift = 0; input ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method = MODE_EMA; input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE ma_price = PRICE_MEDIAN; double EMABuffer1[],EMABuffer2[],EMABufferc[]; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnInit() { //--- indicator buffers mapping SetIndexBuffer(0,EMABuffer2,INDICATOR_DATA); //PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_DRAW_TYPE,DRAW_LINE); //PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_LINE_COLOR,clrWhite); SetIndexBuffer(1,EMABufferc,INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX); //PlotIndexSetInteger(1,PLOT_DRAW_TYPE,DRAW_LINE); //PlotIndexSetInteger(1,PLOT_LINE_COLOR,clrMediumSeaGreen); IndicatorSetString(INDICATOR_SHORTNAME,"EMA ("+(string)ma_period+")"); //--- return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator Deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnDeinit(const int reason) { //--- //--- } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator iteration function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnCalculate(const int rates_total, const int prev_calculated, const datetime &time[], const double &open[], const double &high[], const double &low[], const double &close[], const long &tick_volume[], const long &volume[], const int &spread[]) { //--- int _emaHandle = INVALID_HANDLE; if(_emaHandle == INVALID_HANDLE) _emaHandle = iMA(_Symbol,Period(),ma_period,ma_shift,ma_method,ma_price); if(_emaHandle == INVALID_HANDLE || BarsCalculated(_emaHandle)<rates_total) return(prev_calculated); ArraySetAsSeries(EMABuffer2,true); int limit = (prev_calculated?prev_calculated-1:0); int to_copy = (prev_calculated>rates_total || prev_calculated<=0)?rates_total: rates_total-prev_calculated+1; if(CopyBuffer(_emaHandle,0,0,to_copy,EMABuffer1)<=0) return(0); ExponentialMAOnBuffer(rates_total,prev_calculated,0,ma_period,EMABuffer1,EMABuffer2); for (int i=limit; i<rates_total; i++) { if(i>0) { if(EMABuffer2[i]>EMABuffer2[i-1]) EMABufferc[i] = 1; if(EMABuffer2[i]<EMABuffer2[i-1]) EMABufferc[i] = 2; } else EMABufferc[i] = 0;} //--- return value of prev_calculated for next call return(rates_total); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Left out the snipplet of the image.

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Hi all,
I am trying to add EMA to ATR in MQL5 EA.
ATR line (Blue)
EMA line (Red)
Please tell me how to get it done in MQL5.