MQL5 - Plotting indicator buffer in real-time?

Hi, I'm attempting to plot the bid/ask in a separate window in real-time.  However, the buffer lines do not draw in the separate chart window.  What is wrong in the code?  Thanks.
BidAsk2.mq5  3 kb
  1. You are updating element zero only, but no where did you set the buffers as series before doing that. So you get a flat line with the oldest bar updating.
  2. You do realize that the plot will essentially be the close and close plus spread.
  1. You are updating element zero only, but no where did you set the buffers as series before doing that. So you get a flat line with the oldest bar updating.
  2. You do realize that the plot will essentially be the close and close plus spread.

Thanks, whroeder1, will try setting as a series.

‌‌Yes, I'm aware of point 2 above.