Why you prefer forex trading rather then other online business? - page 3


Well, I think that barring for adult websites, forex is the best online business because you can make money by trading, by creating content, by selling signals (both through adds or charging for them) and in many other ways, and at the same time keep track on global economy, which might help you to take other decisiones in other industries, so why not?


Let your Money do the work, while you do the math. This is how I can describe forex. If you do your path, your money will work for you based on your calculation. So, the the three determinants of this business are Money, Brokers and Your Brain.


I found forex more reliable than other online works. I earn here a sound earning. that support. Here all decisions are in my hand I can fully access my account any time. I find it easy to trade any time when I am free. Forex is well supporting business for most of the peoples.

I joined forex trading because i think its very simple and easy way rest of all others online business. Also trading is a business from where you can get big profit.share your thoughts, why you prefer forex.?

I prefer forex because it is a better practical representation of our real world. Here in forex, I have learned better lessons and wisdom which has made me capable of editing Solomon's proverbs. At least after Profiforex meddled into my entry and exit prices separating me from my sweat-earned money and Roboforex's consequent third party fraud despite their reputable regulation, I have learned not to trust anyone in the real world, not even my Imam.I prefer forex because through the tears I have shed in the hands of unreliable despite licensed brokers to be extremely careful and diligent in the real world.


It is very flexible. It dosen't require you to be at the computer all the time, you don't have deadlines etc. Perfect fit for me!

Yeah, many traders join in forex because this business can be one source of additional income is more flexible. And without spending money on trading capital, we could undergo this business one of them by using the bonus offered by the broker. I also just use bonus from instaforex to start trading.

Bonus indeed! How much have you been able to make while using bonuses. Bonus are a trap and nothing quit good comes out of it. The only benefit of bonus is that it helps you test a broker's platform and make a choice.


I prefer Forex because of it's high liquidity. It is open for all. If traded with proper management it gives a good money. Best of all, there is no any mediator in comparison with other online market. It is open for 24 hours and even students can join it... I consider Forex trading as one of my business but not a main business or source of income. There is risk involved in all business. In Forex you can manage risk properly and even can reduce it. I think this is the main reason for select Forex trading than other online business.


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Forex is a promising business in spite of the risks, and when we have enough knowledge and experience we will be able to manage the risk and make money from forex the business which is very flexible to run. In addition to start forex is not always required huge funds, I open a mini account with Galleass.com only $ 10.


I prefer Forex because Financial World attracts me..I’m not trading because of money, I just enjoy the whole process of trading.