Profitable Signals - page 20


Dear Fxfisherman forum readers,

BEWARE is a SCAMMER. Do not buy signals from this site, dont be fooled by the performance reports at this page. Many trades are opened at inappropriate times, thus they are not profitable when you get the signals. For example, owner of the site opens a trade at 9:50 AM (according to site; you get signals at 8:00 AM, 12:00 AM and 16:00 AM but you get this signal at 12:00 AM, when it is not profitable anymore. Moreover, site owner upload these tardes as profitable ones on the performance section of the webpage. Even a child can generate a signal, looking to past data and placing them on a webpage. SO, if you dont want to LOSE MONEY and TIME, DO NOT BUY SIGNALS from EXTREMESIGNALS.COM

Happy trades and good pips to everyone...

Dear Fxfisherman forum readers, BEWARE is a SCAMMER. Do not buy signals from this site, dont be fooled by the performance reports at this page. Many trades are opened at inappropriate times, thus they are not profitable when you get the signals. For example, owner of the site opens a trade at 9:50 AM (according to site; you get signals at 8:00 AM, 12:00 AM and 16:00 AM but you get this signal at 12:00 AM, when it is not profitable anymore. Moreover, site owner upload these tardes as profitable ones on the performance section of the webpage. Even a child can generate a signal, looking to past data and placing them on a webpage. SO, if you dont want to LOSE MONEY and TIME, DO NOT BUY SIGNALS from EXTREMESIGNALS.COM Happy trades and good pips to everyone...

This is not true. I am an extremesignal user and i can say that i'm using their paid signals and posting here their free signals for almost a year. Anyway, we are all still interested in your point of view, so please, if you can, prove what you're saying.


Some may not actually have the capital to trade or may not want to take on risk. Its easier to just get sell 100 subscriptions for 100 each and make 10K a month than to trade 100,000 and make 10% a month.