My way - page 3


2ª Trade of the day

16:01 Short GBP/USD at 1.4380 target 1.4325


Well as estimate we are living wild days, and tomorow we should see more of this.

At the moment we have:

14H14 (01/04/2009) SELL EUR/USD 1.3274 TARGET OPEN


16h02 (01/04/2009) Short GBP/USD at 1.4380 target 1.4325 (Remove the target)

We will keep this 2 trades open, and wait for the market get a position, and after decid what to do!

I believe big oportunities to come.

Well as estimate we are living wild days, and tomorow we should see more of this. At the moment we have: 14H14 (01/04/2009) SELL EUR/USD 1.3274 TARGET OPEN and 16h02 (01/04/2009) Short GBP/USD at 1.4380 target 1.4325 (Remove the target) We will keep this 2 trades open, and wait for the market get a position, and after decid what to do! I believe big oportunities to come.

02/04/2009 - 17:17 Short EUR/USD at 1.3457

02/04/2009 - 17:17 Short AUD/USD at 0.7176


Hello All,

Last week I've been on holidays.

The open positions at the moment are, they came since before holidays:

14H14 (01/04/2009) SELL EUR/USD 1.3274 TARGET 1.3140

16h02 (01/04/2009) Short GBP/USD at 1.4380 target 1.4325 TARGET 1.4150

02/04/2009 - 17:17 Short EUR/USD at 1.3457 TARGET OPEN

02/04/2009 - 17:17 Short AUD/USD at 0.7176 TARGET OPEN


13/04/2009 - 15:26 Short AUD/USD at 0.7252 TARGET OPEN

13/04/2009 - 15:26 Short EUR/USD at 1.3292 TARGET OPEN

Hello All, Last week I've been on holidays. The open positions at the moment are, they came since before holidays: 14H14 (01/04/2009) SELL EUR/USD 1.3274 TARGET 1.3140 16h02 (01/04/2009) Short GBP/USD at 1.4380 target 1.4325 TARGET 1.4150 02/04/2009 - 17:17 Short EUR/USD at 1.3457 TARGET OPEN 02/04/2009 - 17:17 Short AUD/USD at 0.7176 TARGET OPENNEW ONE's 13/04/2009 - 15:26 Short AUD/USD at 0.7252 TARGET OPEN 13/04/2009 - 15:26 Short EUR/USD at 1.3292 TARGET OPEN

14/04/2009 - 14h21 Short GBP/USD at 1.4894 Target 1.4800

14/04/2009 - 14h21 Short AUD/USD at 0.7260 TARGET OPEN


Order Market Price

S EUR/USD 1,3274

S EUR/USD 1,3457

S EUR/USD 1,3292

Médium Short EUR/USD 1,3341

- S GBP/USD 1,4380

- S GBP/USD 1,4894

Médium Short GBP/USD 1,4637

S AUD/USD 0,7176

S AUD/USD 0,7252

S AUD/USD 0,7260

Médium Short AUD/USD 0,7229


Close EUR/USD Trades at 1.3266 for a global result of 225 Pip's

There are to many contracts open... the reason for close is just play for the safe side!? We still believe that is a bearish view...


- S GBP/USD 1,4380

- S GBP/USD 1,4894

Médium Short GBP/USD 1,4637

S AUD/USD 0,7176

S AUD/USD 0,7252

S AUD/USD 0,7260

Médium Short AUD/USD 0,7229

With this positions open, we don't want to open more trades for now... specily with the idea that the pound could get worse.

Just to tell my readers (if someone reads) that is time to wait... this bull markett should end by the end of April, and them this open positions came to us.

The problem for now is the real possibilitie that the pound makes a rally... let's expect this don't happen.

We don't use stops... for this reason the low leverage is fundamental to hold this positions...

That's all for now ... let's wait for the sunshine!


if someone want's to tell me something you could email to

or put it here of corse.

Thank you all

- S GBP/USD 1,4380- S GBP/USD 1,4894 Médium Short GBP/USD 1,4637 S AUD/USD 0,7176S AUD/USD 0,7252S AUD/USD 0,7260 Médium Short AUD/USD 0,7229 With this positions open, we don't want to open more trades for now... specily with the idea that the pound could get worse. Just to tell my readers (if someone reads) that is time to wait... this bull markett should end by the end of April, and them this open positions came to us. The problem for now is the real possibilitie that the pound makes a rally... let's expect this don't happen. We don't use stops... for this reason the low leverage is fundamental to hold this positions... That's all for now ... let's wait for the sunshine! Atlantic if someone want's to tell me something you could email to or put it here of corse. Thank you all


S AUD/USD 0,7176 - 0.7174 (10:37 - 16/04/2009)

S AUD/USD 0,7252 - 0.7174 (10:37 - 16/04/2009)

S AUD/USD 0,7260 - 0.7174 (10:37 - 16/04/2009)


Well from the beginning that I start putting this post's that was on 25-03-2009, we achieved a total of 781 PIP's .

At the moment we are having some problems with GBP/USD with a potencial lost at this moment of 500 pips, but the positions are open so no losses for the time been!!!

The idea of working with an leverage of 1:10 allow to support this losing positions with relative calm.

Positions open at the moment;

- S GBP/USD 1,4380

- S GBP/USD 1,4894

Médium Short GBP/USD 1,4637

this post's have been seen 374 times since the beginning. Without no comment from the readers...

For me is writting this is a way of don't take my "ideias" alone. And as I told on the begginning I do it for fun!

Anyway if someone want's to contact me you can do it where on th fxstreet or in by email.
