My way - page 7


How we are at the moment:


28/04/2009 16:37 - Sell - EUR/JPY 126,22 Target 124,46

28/04/2009 22:44 - Sell - EUR/USD 1,3140 Target 1,2961

28/04/2009 22:44 - Sell - GBP/USD 1,4629 Target 1,4429

The week from 27 to 30 of April brings us 341 Pip's.

Unfortunately the 3 open positions bring us a potential loss that is not nice!

To tell the true I'm confused with the last 2 days of market! Before do something else, is time to think, and to see what the month of May bring on the first days.

Let's not forget the "Sell in May and go away" I believe that during the next Monday we could check if we are from good side, or if we have to change the positions.

The forex will "drink" a lot on the stock market. And for me, we are in a rally of a bear market, and not on the beginning of a bull market.

If I'm wrong the open crosses are a problem, if I'm right; we are on the good side.

Don't forget the market will send everybody to one side, before the market goes to the other side.

Let's wait for Monday!

If you analyze my last month, I have a similar problem, and the result of the month was fantastic with 1290 Pip's!!! So let's wait and see...

Have a great 3 day weekend!!!!


How we are at the moment: OPEN POSITIONS 28/04/2009 16:37 - Sell - EUR/JPY 126,22 Target 124,4628/04/2009 22:44 - Sell - EUR/USD 1,3140 Target 1,296128/04/2009 22:44 - Sell - GBP/USD 1,4629 Target 1,4429 The week from 27 to 30 of April brings us 341 Pip's. Unfortunately the 3 open positions bring us a potential loss that is not nice! To tell the true I'm confused with the last 2 days of market! Before do something else, is time to think, and to see what the month of May bring on the first days. Let's not forget the "Sell in May and go away" I believe that during the next Monday we could check if we are from good side, or if we have to change the positions. The forex will "drink" a lot on the stock market. And for me, we are in a rally of a bear market, and not on the beginning of a bull market.If I'm wrong the open crosses are a problem, if I'm right; we are on the good side. Don't forget the market will send everybody to one side, before the market goes to the other side. Let's wait for Monday! If you analyze my last month, I have a similar problem, and the result of the month was fantastic with 1290 Pip's!!! So let's wait and see... Have a great 3 day weekend!!!! Atlantic

04/05/2009 - 11h00

Hello everybody,

Just to inform that I'm still here looking to the positions, unfortunatly still a litle confused with the market!

No Big things to tell you and without no new tip's.

For now the only change I sugest is to move the target of the EUR/USD!

So our list will stay like this:


28/04/2009 16:37 - Sell - EUR/JPY 126,22 Target 124,46

28/04/2009 22:44 - Sell - EUR/USD 1,3140 Target 1,3140 - Changed

28/04/2009 22:44 - Sell - GBP/USD 1,4629 Target 1,4429


My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Monday, 04 May 2009

04/05/2009 13:57:26

28/04/2009 22:44 - Sell - EUR/USD 1,3140 CLOSE TRADE AT 1.3236

Result of -96 PIP’

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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Monday, 04 May 2009

04/05/2009 13:57:26

28/04/2009 22:44 - Sell - GBP/USD 1,4629 CLOSE TRADE AT 1.4880

Result of -255 PIP’

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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Monday, 04 May 2009

04/05/2009 13:57:26


28/04/2009 16:37 - Sell - EUR/JPY 126,22 Target 124,46

Number of pip’s since 27-04-2009 (-10 PIP’

Well sometimes things are not what we want! And the market has always reason!

Anyway the indicators that I use are a little confused, just like me.

Tomorrow we came back, if the market became clearer!!

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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Tuesday, 05 May 2009

05/05/2009 09:42:57 LONDON TIME

How we are at the moment:


28/04/2009 16:37 - Sell - GBP/JPY 149,50 Target OPEN

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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Tuesday, 05 May 2009

05/05/2009 09:56:11 LONDON TIME

How we are at the moment:


28/04/2009 16:37 - Sell - GBP/USD 151,10 Target OPEN

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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


Mistakes on the last two trades;

The correct information is:

05/05/2009 09:42 - Sell - GBP/JPY 149,50 Target OPEN

05/05/2009 09:56 - Sell - GBP/USD 151,10 Target OPEN

As you can see the headers of the post!

Sorry for the confusion.. but to keep the trader journal and do my work at the same time somethimes is dificult.

Has I told before, this trader journal, is a way for me to discuss with other people what I'm doing.

If someone is interested on keeping my trades with all the correct information, could send me an email and I post by email the trades.

This is completely free!!! and I will not try to sell nothing...

Just send me an email, and tell me in each forum you found me, and also if you are a real trade or a demo trader.

For the one's that want to know what I'm doing;

Note 2: This 2 last trades are going against market... but I don't believe on what's happening... so this is "problematic" trades!!!



My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Tuesday, 05 May 2009

05/05/2009 13:51:57

05/05/2009 13:51 - Sell AUD/USD 0,7463 TARGET OPEN

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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Tuesday, 05 May 2009

05/05/2009 15:12:39 – Putting Target’s

05/05/2009 13:51 - Sell AUD/USD 0,7463 TARGET 0,7423

05/05/2009 09:56 - Sell GBP/USD 151,10 TARGET 1,5010

05/05/2009 09:42 - Sell GBP/JPY 149,50 TARGET 148,73

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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.