New In Forex - page 3

There are also ways that you can earn money if the currency is falling (short selling)

Yes, I know about it.

Mikhail Kurakin:
European finance ministers meeting in Brussels the European Commission approved proposals to create new bodies to monitor the activities of banks. Decisions in these organizations will be taken by simple majority.The idea to tighten the supervision and control over the banks came after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and American broke then the crisis. But a compromise was not easy: Britain was opposed to the project, fearing that excessive regulation by the EU would go against the interests of individual countries of the Union. Before the meeting "Ecofin" British Finance Minister Alistair Darling urged his colleagues not to get involved in the regulation, so as not to cause damage to London, the financial center of the European Union. Darling recalled that in Europe only London can equal konkuririrovat to New York in this field.I wonder how it will react to the currency. Apparently dissatisfied with the finance ministers of the monetary policy pursued by banks.

Is this meeting today?

And how can the markets react to a tighter regulation?

I would normally think that it will react good or am I totally wrong?

Hi my name is Jack, I want to invest in FOREX but I don´t know if is secure, so who can tell me?

Hi jack,

Ofcouse you can easily lose pips and burn your money in forex. However there are these programs that are fully functioning with the use of stop loss and take profit. This further ensures that the program is always working in your best interest, even without your constant watch over it. At the earliest indication that you are about to lose money in one of your trades, the program trades it off on your behalf to minimize loss, and vice versa to see that you maximize your profits, as well. This provides peace of mind at knowing your auto forex enterprise is in good hands. There is a very good software that does all this job for you, many people use it and it works perfect. Link in my sig below if you are interested. Let me know if you have any further enquiries. I would love to help.


Your signature isn't here annymore?

Wat is te name of this program?


Long time since I was in this topic.


Forex is risky, but there is good chance to get good money.The most important thing when you invest is to choose broker. Because some brokers are unfair, and there is huge risk to invest money and then never see it. So before you invest, check the broker, its conditions, contract, reputation, comments of traders.

Forex is risky, but there is good chance to get good money.The most important thing when you invest is to choose broker. Because some brokers are unfair, and there is huge risk to invest money and then never see it. So before you invest, check the broker, its conditions, contract, reputation, comments of traders.

This is offcourse the first thing you'll have to do in order to be a succesfull trader.

Hi my name is Jack, I want to invest in FOREX but I don´t know if is secure, so who can tell me?

it's almost secure. everything which is connected with money is risky.Forex is good chance as to earn as to lose. Everything depends on you and your success with trading.


If you are new in forex market then always use fundamentals and take a stop loss.