Calendar/news plotting indicator for MT4


I’m posting this in the classified advert forum, even though I don’t stand to benefit financially from the link that follows. I’m simply “playing it safe” largely because I’m new to this forum, and I don’t want to risk breaking the rules or upsetting anybody. I include the link here only because it might be helpful to others. If the moderator staff want to move the post to an “MT4 Indicators” forum, then that’s possibly a more appropri

For anybody looking for an indicator that plots both past and future news announcements on their MT4 charts, without obscuring the price bars:

NEW!! - Plot News indicator - Page 4 @ Forex Factory

Page down to posts #55, 56 to see screenshots, and then to post #102 for instructions on how to download the latest version. Operational instructions are included both in the manual provided in the download, and in posts in the thread.

This indicator uses the Forex Factory calendar. This is because I’ve been posting on their forum for several months, and their calendar was accessible programatically, and seemed as good as any. I have no financial affiliation with FF, and have no reason to “head-hunt” members for th

I just hope that people find this news plotting indicator useful. It is offered completely free of charge, but with no express warranties regarding correct performance or future support.

Best wishes



Plot_News.gif  85 kb

Moved to indicators forum.

It'd be great if you could attach associated files here so that our friends can download in one click.

Moved to indicators forum.It'd be great if you could attach associated files here so that our friends can download in one click.

Hi Scorpion (and everybody)

OK, no problem, here is the latest version (v1.07) of the Plot_News indicator and FFcal.EXE software.

To install, simply create a new folder on your hard drive and unzip the contents of the attached ZIP into it.

Then copy the following files into your

C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators\


C:\Program Files\vendor name\experts\indicators\






You may want to create an icon for FFcal.EXE on your desktop, and/or have it running permanently in a window, so that you can make changes whenever desired.

To get started quickly, run FFcal.EXE, press F5, ensure that the “Pat\name of output (News.CSV) file” is set to

C:\Program Files\vendor name\experts\files\news.csv

and then press Enter.

Then attach the Plot_News indicator onto your MT4 chart(s), and hopefully… voila

The “Events History” database comes populated with news announcements back to 1 Jan 2006. However, depending on your MT4 time zone, and relative to your daylight saving time, the times may need adjustin

The two Word documents in the ZIP are fairly comprehensive instruction manuals. However, please feel welcome to post any questions or suggestions in this thread, and I’ll do my best to answer them

I must point out that while I have firewalls and AVG anti-virus operating on my PC config, by downloading and running the software, you agree to do so AT YOUR OWN RISK. My config allows testing on Win-98 and Win-XP Pro only.

Best wishes


Files:  2038 kb

to get most recent 2.0 version. go to

Plot News (version 2.0) @ Forex Factory


This is awesome been wanting for something like this for ages. Thanks for sharing.


Actually this is what I have been for and I thank you for making it available and accessible.


You're welcome guys.

Latest version (v 3.0) can be obtained here from Forex Factory.


Thanks Hanover. have been looking for news indicator for some time.


i cant seam to find / have new.scv

then i keep getting pop with abort/ingor.... is this a windows 7 problem

i cant seam to find / have new.scv then i keep getting pop with abort/ingor.... is this a windows 7 problem


I'm running Win XP Home SP2. I have no facilities to troubleshoot Vista or Win 7. The indy has been downloaded more than 36,000 times at Forex Factory, and no problem similar to yours has been reported. Presumably many of these folk are running Win 7.

Running the FFcal app reads the Forex Factory calendar and downloads the news announcements, creating a news.csv file (in the ..../experts/files folder). I assume that's what you've been attempting? Or are you getting the abort/ignore message when installing the package?

It's difficult to troubleshoot further without more information. If you can't get the news indy to run, you could perhaps try Derk Wehler's news indy here. It arguably has less features, but is consequently easier to install and use.

Good luck,



Billyboy, I attempted to reply to you, but it seems that my reply wasn't accepted. If you post at Forex Factory, then I'll attempt to answer your questions there.
