Why do i trade ??? - page 6


why do i trade ? is it to be rich ... how to trade professionally ???

Hi Gracy542,
Everyone have his own motivation why to trade. I trade because I Like the Forex market it’s dynamic and of course add some income to my bank account :)
In regards to your next question – how to trade professionally I would suggest first to stay tuned with all important market news and analysis and attend different webinars. Some companies are organizing free on-line webinars for beginners.  And second to test your thoughts, strategies, EA’s on Demo environment before going Live with real money.
Apparently the main reason because of which most of us trade is the financial profit, but I also trade because of the love towards the game. The main things you need to be successful are a good plan, patience, commitment and taking your emotions away.
Apparently the main reason because of which most of us trade is the financial profit, but I also trade because of the love towards the game. The main things you need to be successful are a good plan, patience, commitment and taking your emotions away.
absolutely correct, It is game. Difficult mind game of greed and fear. There will be no success without winning our own mind.

Did you start trading for the game?

I think you are right . Have to learn all about forex first before you jump in and trade and lots and lots of practice with a demo account.

And be careful of greed - its a killer


You are trading for bonus?

Hilarious - spammers getting funnier every day

I trade to make some extra money online, it is the best source of my income and I may not earn with each and every trade, but I make sufficient money to get over my expenses.

Nobody can outsmart the market (Forex is not just about Wall Street). We are trading for money, not for the pleasure of being smart

I have to agree with you. Forex isn't just about receiving an update from the market rather we use that information as a way of earning money. I think in that way knowledge would be very useful. I have been feel delighted with it. I was thinking that maybe the reason behind our lost in trading is that for us to become smarter next time we trade. Be patient, it is not always about money - Forex can be used in building character as well. 

I trade in forex because I need money and reliable income source. I want to earn that much of money so that I can live my life as I want. I am earning with my every trade whether it is small or bigger not matter for me. I am working hard to achieve my target.

Trading on forex is a good source of income. This is one of the easy way to get money. Forex is a worldwide foreign currency business and forex giving so much advantages for traders to make money easily. A broker can make their business more profitable. I am a trader and I am fully depended on this business. I can earn my full living costs with this business.