Well money management is important for tradimg ????


well money management is important for trading forex because many of traders tell me that well money management is so important for trading .... do you agree with me ?????


oney management is very important to trade successfully in Forex. If you have good money management and a strategy then it will be very easy for you to make good profit in Forex.


Money management is the highest level of important thing needed for successful trading. A trader with world's best strategy cannot make money if he is not good in money management.

Money management is the highest level of important thing needed for successful trading. A trader with world's best strategy cannot make money if he is not good in money management.

We should know that if our trading is done with proper money management skills then we will be able to control our losses and also make sure that our money is safe


In short : no MM, no trading. It is as simple as that

Agree it may be even more crucial than trading strategy. If you don't know appropriate bet for a trade then it's far worse that if you don't know the direction with perfect bet. Just my opinion

If a trader will know what kind of trading strategy is going to give a trader best results he can continue using that for his trades. But at all the times we need to learn how to manage our trades well.

A good money management strategy is of great significance in trading as it can really help us evaluate how much we should risk per trade and  maximize our profit potential.


My opinion is: first needs to develop/find/ learn working strategy. Then the MM should be as fine tune and will help to improve the result.

Money management is important. If it’s well organized based on good strategy it could be even profitable :)
There are traders counting only on money management and they just take randomly direction. For those type of trading really large account and patience.