Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 70

It was always so : EU rulers were not elected by elections but are appointed. That is the worse kind oligarchy there is

You mean the "no" vote on referendums in France and Netherlands and they still interpreted it as a "YES"

As Juncker is telling all the time "you people have no idea what to think. We are going to tell you what to think". That is called a "new normal"

The reaction from around the Twitterverse to news that a university paid $65,000 for Chelsea Clinton to make a brief appearance in 2014 can largely be summed up in one word.


Tuesday morning, the Washington Post reportedthe University of Missouri at Kansas City was looking for a celebrity speaker to headline a gala luncheon, and initially reached out to Hillary Clinton. But when Clinton’s representatives quoted a fee of $275,000, officials balked.

So they turned to the Democratic presidential front-runner’s daughter. As reported by the Post, the university paid $65,000 for Chelsea Clinton’s appearance. Her spokesman said that, as with Hillary Clinton’s paid speeches at universities, Chelsea Clinton made no personal income from her appearance. Her fee was directed to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

The schedule she negotiated called for her to speak for 10 minutes,

Twitter explodes in disbelief over Chelsea Clinton’s $65,000 speaking fee - MarketWatch


...imagine how much she charges for the kinky stuff!!!

...imagine how much she charges for the kinky stuff!!!

She was probably explaining why is her mother going to declare war on Greece when she is crowned the empress of the land of the free

She was probably explaining why is her mother going to declare war on Greece when she is crowned the empress of the land of the free

...this one??? VIDEO: Girl bursts into tears after Hillary touches her | The American Mirror


Hallelujah ... ye are healed :):)


Let me guess - they were all in this together


may be "they" want us to read this