Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 65


Maybe he should give up bikes - I doubt that he can reach the levels of bike riding pleasures that he could reach when he was younger at the age he is now

Maybe he should give up bikes - I doubt that he can reach the levels of bike riding pleasures that he could reach when he was younger at the age he is now

may be he should give up everything...on the other hand maybe he did that...(he looks like a zombie)

Curious how and why the US is "boosting" US GDP by selling over $4 billion worth of weapons to Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia, ostensibly to provide these countries with protection against ISIS (the same ISIS, incidentally, which a leaked document last weekadmitted had been effectively created by the US)? Simple: by first "losing" a billion dollars worth of Humvees so that, drumroll, ISIS can be the best-armed "terrorist" force in the middle east, a force whose mere presence will demand billions in subsequent military orders from the US military-industrial complex by all those who are threatened by ISIS. AFP reportsthat Iraqi security forces lost 2,300 Humvee armored vehicles when ISIS overran the northern city of Mosul, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Sunday.

How The US Indirectly Armed ISIS With Over 2,300 Humvees


I thought that FED is already ding that

They are just pretending that they don't (see S&P500 - that is all FED)



McCain Urges Military Strikes Against FIFA

Calling the Obama Administration’s actions against the soccer organization “weak and ineffective,” Senator John McCain on Thursday proposed military action to “dismantle and destroy FIFA once and for all.”

“These are people who only understand one thing: force,” McCain said on the floor of the United States Senate. “We must make FIFA taste the vengeful might and fury of the United States military.”

But it is not far from what he thinks ...

McCain Urges Military Strikes Against FIFA - The New Yorker


But it is not far from what he thinks ...

McCain Urges Military Strikes Against FIFA - The New Yorker

He is such a nice grandpa - loveable and kind

In the fall of 1910, under the pretense of a duck hunting trip, a group of powerful bankers, political figures, and businessmen met at Jekyll Island, GA to plan the creation of a central bank for the United States. The “game” that this elite group of “hunters” brought back to their ivory towers of Lower Manhattan and Capitol Hill was the blueprint for one of the most destructive financial institutions in modern history, the Federal Reserve.

One-hundred years later, another group of powerful bankers, political figures, and businessmen have converged to promote a cashless society, an economic system that would compel every man, woman, and child to utilize proprietary, government-monitored electronic systems to make purchases of any kind. This group, which calls itself the Better Than Cash Alliance, is as dangerous as the group of “outdoor enthusiasts” that met at Jekyll Island that fateful early-20th Century November.