Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 47

You could ask 1000 people what characteristics they want in a president and 990 will describe Ron Paul. However, ask 1000 people what they think of Ron Paul and 990 will say he’s crazy. Why?? Because that’s what we’ve been told to think. So we think it. It is that simple. And that is why this country has been deteriorating for 100 years and really accelerating, faster each year for the past 15, toward utter collapse. But not to fear, the free fall is about to end… and with a thump.

330 Million Citizens & Only One Democrat Interested In Being President


at least it's a Natural Born democrat.


Dear members

Is it just me or does anybody else find Janet Yellen extremely sexy?

Since I have been finding a lot of resistanceon this issue I ask you brothers for your support.

You guys are the most accustomed to this type of evaluation.Please remember that I live in a country where a prime minister is in jail. That Fibonaccies your mind.


Dear members

Is it just me or does anybody else find Janet Yellen extremely sexy?

Since I have been finding a lot of resistanceon this issue I ask you brothers for your support.

You guys are the most accustomed to this type of evaluation.Please remember that I live in a country where a prime minister is in jail. That Fibonaccies your mind.


Depends : the esthetic criteria in a jail are of a kind that Yellen would probably be the capo of the white-collar criminals wing

Dear members

Is it just me or does anybody else find Janet Yellen extremely sexy?

Since I have been finding a lot of resistanceon this issue I ask you brothers for your support.

You guys are the most accustomed to this type of evaluation.Please remember that I live in a country where a prime minister is in jail. That Fibonaccies your mind.


she would benefit greatly if she was smoother and more adaptable...

she would benefit greatly if she was smoother and more adaptable...

I think that maybe Pirson the Spearman could do just that.


a person with a spear?...or 2 men - 1 Yellen?


Wallmarts with plumbing problems....

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