Forex Books - page 24

Here is one book about Ichimoku : ichimoku_ebook.pdf

Thanks seekers, i appreciate it

In the very likely event that this is your first encounter with ichimoku, your first reaction on hearing the term might be to say “Gesundheit.” Bad jokes aside, ichimoku (ee-chee-moe-koo) charts offer a powerful tool for traders to identify overall market trends and pinpoint key levels of support and resistance that are unlikely to be revealed by other forms of technical analysis. Ichimoku has a strong following in Asian trading circles, especially in Japan where it originated, and is becoming increasingly popular among Western traders. I would strongly urge traders to consider incorporating ichimoku into their routines of technical analysis. (And not just in forex, but in other markets as well.) One of the real beauties of ichimoku is the speed and ease with which significant price levels are identified, making it an easy addition to any trader’s repertoire of analysis.

One more about ichimoku - Trading with Clouds : trading_with_clouds.pdf


School of Pipsology : school_of_pipsology.pdf

Some of the content herein may be inaccurate or unintentionally wrong. The Foreign Exchange (FX) market operates behind a multi-layered veil as you are probably aware and as such only an empirical, rather than detailed quantitative, study is possible. In general I believe most experienced FX traders will agree with the main content of this paper, and can participate in improving this reference by writing to me, at the address given in the menu, to offer the benefit of their own knowledge and experience. Please consider this treatise more as a discussion paper rather than an authoritive or academic reference. After 18 months of trading I still consider myself a novice trader, but decided there was a need to discuss the many issues affecting new and amateur traders that do not appear to be addressed openly anywhere at this time. I provide this with good intention, without intended malice, and suggest all content be accepted beneficially

Real Cost of Non-Institutional Forex Trading : real_cost_of_non-institutional_forex.pdf

Think of the millions of people who throw money at stocks, options, and futures. Probably less than one percent of them ever pick up a trading book. Only a tiny fraction of those perform any learning exercises or take tests. If you can work through this Study Guide, grade your performance, then study and retake some of the tests if necessary, you will belong to a small sophisticated minority.

It is easy to sit at a lecture, sagely nod your head, and think you understand everything. What if someone asks you a question about that lecture a week or a month later? Will you be able to answer, or will you have forgotten by then?

It took me three years to write Come into My Trading Room, yet a person can read it in just a few days. Do you expect to get full value out of it after a quick read? Or will you return, reread, review, and underline key sections and paragraphs? I created this Study Guide to help you grasp the main ideas in my book, expose blind spots, and achieve a deeper degree of understanding.

Do not rush yourself through this workbook. Take the tests one chapter at a time and keep returning to the original source until you get that chapter right. Then move to the next one. There is nothing wrong with taking several weeks to work through this book. Quality is more important than speed.

Study Guide for Come Into my Trading Room (Dr. Alexander Elder) : study_guide_for_come_into_my_trading_room.pdf


10 Facts You Need to Know : 10_facts_you_need_to_know.pdf

The sad fact is that most traders fail to make money, or even survive the first few months of trading due to two factors:

1. A poor trading system.

2. Poor money management

We can provide the first one for you – that’s the easy part! However, the second part is even more important and I want to show you what you can achieve if you do things the right way and if you follow a systematic money management approach.

I have prepared some Excel spreadsheets to show you how you can convert your small trading account into a substantial sum of money if you have a profitable trading system or profitable signals and if you know the three Keys to making money in Forex trading. But before we go through the spreadsheets, let’s briefly cover the three Keys to making money in trading Forex.

The magic of trading – money management : the_magic_of_trading_8211_money_management.pdf


Thanks a lot for the book sneekers

Just as on any other market the trading on Forex, along with an exclusively high potential profitability, is essentially risk - bearing one. It is possible to gain a success on it only after a certain training including a familiarization with the structure and kinds of Forex, the principles of currencies price formation, the factors affecting prices alterations and trading risks levels, sources of the information necessary to account all those factors, techniques of the analysis and prediction of the market movements as well as with the trading tools and rules. An important role in the process of the preparation for the trading on Forex belongs to the demotrading (that is to trade using a demo-account with some virtual money), which allows to testify all the theoretical knowledge and to obtain a required minimum of the trade experience not being subjected to a material damage.

Royal Forex : royal_forex.pdf

royal_forex.pdf  1037 kb
A Practical Guide to Swing Trading : a_practical_guide_for_swing_trading.pdf

This one is great! Thanks for it!