I know the perfect way to win at forex - page 13


play to win

I think in order to win you should have money management skills and very important link is a good broker. I tried different brokers. but now I stopped on AccentFores, as it has pretty conditions, and some other things

I think in order to win you should have money management skills and very important link is a good broker. I tried different brokers. but now I stopped on AccentFores, as it has pretty conditions, and some other things

Yeah i agree with you sir. Every trader should have money management skills if we don't wanna get MC for their account. I just use FBS to trade, sir, haven't try to trading with other broker.


Money flow


Hi xxx3xxx,

Thanks very much. You made my day...


Tomcat98 #:
Am new at FX so I have open an account in metar 5 but getting good broker is a problem 
0797833737 #:
Am new at FX so I have open an account in metar 5 but getting good broker is a problem 

Read this please: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/446683

Broker selection
Broker selection
  • 2023.05.02
  • Carl Schreiber
  • www.mql5.com
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