Ocean theory based indicators - page 14


Updated Smoothed fast natural moving average & standard deviation bands : ocn_nma_fast_amp_sd_smooth_nmc.mq4

Original (with detailed description) was posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/179737/page2

On the example 1st is without tema filtering second is with tema filtering


Smoothed fast natural moving average & bands

Smoothed fast natural moving average & standard deviation bands

Same as the above except the basis of this one is the smoothed natural moving average

Parameters description :
NMA.Period -> period of nma calculation

NMA.Price -> price to use in calculations

TEMA.Period -> period for pre-processing tema (triple EMA) smoothing of price

SD.Period-> Standard deviations calculating period

SD.Up-> Standard deviations multiplier for upper band

SD.Down-> Standard deviations multiplier for lower band

Smooth.Period-> period to use for post-calculation NMA smoothing

UseLog-> Should it use log() for momentum calculation or not

Updated version posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/179737


Updated Natural market mirror indicator : ocn_nmm_nmc.mq4

Original (with an explanation) was posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/179737/page2


Natural market mirror

Natural market mirror indicator


Natural market mirror


From an absolute perspective, the general rule is that when NMM is above zero, the market is thought to be in a bullish phase and when NMM is bellow zero, the market is thought to be in bearish phase.

Parameters :
NMM.Period -> period of nmm calculation

NMM.Price -> price to use in calculations

TEMA.Period -> period for pre-processing tema (triple EMA) smoothing of price

Updated version posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/179737

ocean_-_nmm.gif  14 kb
ocn_nmm.mq4  5 kb

Updated Natural market mirror with standard deviations and historical extremes : ocn_nmm_amp_sd_hist_nmc.mq4

Original (with detailed explanation) was posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/179737/page2


Natural market mirror & SD hist

Natural market mirror with standard deviations and historical extremes

Parameters :
NMM.Period -> period of nmm calculation

NMM.Price -> price to use in calculations

TEMA.Period -> period for pre-processing tema (triple EMA) smoothing of price

Show.StandarsDeviationsd-> Should the indicator calculate and show standard deviations or not

SD.Period-> Standard deviations calculating period

SD.Up-> Standard deviations multiplier for upper band

SD.Down-> Standard deviations multiplier for lower band

Show.HistoricalExtreme-> Should the indicator calculate and show historical extremes or not

SD.Period-> Period for determining historical extremes

Updated version posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/179737


Updated Natural market mirror ocean index : ocn_nmm_ocean_index_nmc.mq4

Originally (with detailed description) it was posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/179737/page2


Natural market mirror ocean index

Natural market mirror ocean index (at first glance looks similar like the " & SD hist" version, but the calculation is different)

Parameters :
NMM.Period -> period of nmm calculation

NMM.Price -> price to use in calculations

Show.StandarsDeviationsd-> Should the indicator calculate and show standard deviations or not

SD.Period-> Standard deviations calculating period

SD.Up-> Standard deviations multiplier for upper band

SD.Down-> Standard deviations multiplier for lower band

Show.HistoricalExtreme-> Should the indicator calculate and show historical extremes or not

SD.Period-> Period for determining historical extremes

Updated version posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/179737


Ocean natural moving average made new metatrader 4 compatible : ocn_nma_nmc.mq4

Originally it was posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/179737

ocn_nma.gif  63 kb

Natural moving average


This study displays the Ocean moving average (NMA) The NMA is an adaptive moving average that responds very well to changes in volatility. Unlike its faster companion moving average (the NMA fast), this version is more subdued and docile during very short term swings in the market.


This version of the Ocean moving average offers a more consistent and stable analysis of price action than does the Fast version (NMA fast). In this respect, it better reflects the underlying tone of the market from a longer-term perspective. I tend to look at the difference between this version and the NMA fast as the difference between the tide and the waves of the Ocean. It's important to know about the waves (the NMA fast version), but ultimately it's the tide that determines how the waves hit the shoreline. Because more data is usually incorporated into the derivation of the NMA, it normally offers a more holistic view of the primary underlying trend of the market

Prices often return to the support or resistance levels determined by the NMA after long periods of trending behavior. When prices hover near the NMA and then break out by crossing the moving average, the moves tend to be of a longer duration than those resulting from breakouts of the NMA fast. Another way to apply the NMA to trading is by comparing the relative positions of this version (the NMA) and its faster companion study (the NMA fast). When the NMA is trading below the NMA, and particularly when both versions have a negative slope, the market is clearly in a downtrend. Conversely, when the NMA fast is trading above the NMA, and particularly when both versions have a positive slope, the market is clearly in an up-trend.
Parameters description :
NMA.Period -> period of ndx calculation

NMA.Price -> price to use in calculations

TEMA.Period -> period for pre-processing tema (triple EMA) smoothing of price

Updated version posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/179737

ocean_-_nma.gif  15 kb
ocn_nma.mq4  4 kb