Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1285


day point trend

day point gu 5684, 5668 was signal sell----5650 tp1 34p,tp2 18p, later 5668 was sigal buy----5683 15p, later day point 5684 , 5668 was signal sell----5650 tp1 34p, tp2 18p, later 5668 was signal buy----5681 tp 13p ()

day point-trend

later 5684 , 5668 was signal sell------5645 tp1 39p, tp2 23p, later 5668 , 5684 ,5700 was signal buy----5730 tp1 62p, tp2 46p, tp3 30p



day point eu3355, 3369 was signal buy----- 3384 tp1 29p, tp2 15p, later 3369,3355, 3342 was signal sell------

stop out 3290 tp1 79p, tp2 65p, tp3 52p ()



day point gu--5668- down trend , 5700 +up trend, 5684+-up/down trend, eu----3342-down trend, 3369+up trend, 3355+-up/down trend ,have a green day ()

later day point eu--3342, 3355, 3369 was signal buy-----3375 tp1 33p, tp2 20p, tp3 be,laterday point 3369, was signal sell---



day point gu--5668- down trend , 5700 +up trend, 5684+-up/down trend, eu----3342-down trend, 3369+up trend, 3355+-up/down trend ,have a green day ()

day point gu ------5668, 5684, 5700 was signal buy-----5730 tp1 62p, tp2 46p, tp3 30p, later 5700, 5684, was signal sell-----5670 tp1 30p, tp2 14p, later 5668, 5684,5700 was signal buy--- ()


It is on a clear bull phase. 1.3500 does not seem so far at all any more looking at the charts. One misinterpreted word from Bernanke can send it there



day point gu--5668- down trend , 5700 +up trend, 5684+-up/down trend, eu----3342-down trend, 3369+up trend, 3355+-up/down trend ,have a green day ()


day point eu- 3369, 3355, 3342 was signal point gu..5700, 5684, 5668 wa s signal sell------



day point eu- 3369, 3355, 3342 was signal point gu..5700, 5684, 5668 wa s signal sell------


stop out eu --3300 tp1 69p, , tp2 55p, , tp3 42p



day point eu- 3369, 3355, 3342 was signal point gu..5700, 5684, 5668 wa s signal sell------


stop out gu--5620 tp1 80p, tp2 64p, tp3 48p


With this behaviour of the Bundesbank, I think that the ECB will have not so many chances until September; are peripheral debts going to be under pressure again?


If next week continues the trend as this week was, we are going to see 1.3500 for EURUSD sometime next week