Eurusd/gbpusd - page 125

Can't concentrate my wife and daughter keep take me away from my pc!

Okay. Well they have to come first.


And is it okay to call you Notch or do you want to be called Firscall?...let me know!

Still confused on what system really works...

I have Trend envelope.....volty...vorticity....trix and FXFARIQ...... and i still think that is too many to .......pull the trigger...

You guys thinking LONG or SHORT?

I prefer Notch.

I'd dump Vorticity and keep the others. Volty for direction, FXFARIQ & Trix for confirmation and Trend Envelop as the trigger in my view.

Direction...I'm waiting for 4242-45 then looking for a short signal.

At least there is no more news so maybe I can get some trades that I can hold for 30-40 pips.

Okay. Well they have to come first.

dow well up!! i'm very bullish now - paper long GU @ 6505 for 6540 1st target


And is it okay to call you Notch or do you want to be called Firscall?...let me know!

Still confused on what system really works...

I have Trend envelope.....volty...vorticity....trix and FXFARIQ...... and i still think that is too many to .......pull the trigger...

You guys thinking LONG or SHORT?

mate, i'm going to pm you some stuff over the weekend.




And is it okay to call you Notch or do you want to be called Firscall?...let me know!

Still confused on what system really works...

I have Trend envelope.....volty...vorticity....trix and FXFARIQ...... and i still think that is too many to .......pull the trigger...

You guys thinking LONG or SHORT?

I am thinking LONG...and I have Trend Envelope double confirmation on 1, 5 and 15 min....FXFARIQ Blue and Vorticity Blue....Trix is above I am thinking LONG....would like to BUY closer to 4205

mate, i'm going to pm you some stuff over the weekend. Gaz

paper trade for now rich1 - after I pm you over the weeken see how you get on after for at least 1 mth - pref 2mths then micro trade live for another month then increase from then on....


dow well up!! i'm very bullish now - paper long GU @ 6505 for 6540 1st target

Dow well above weekly PH. I expect it to tank.

That 7 pips is now starting to play on my mind. Anyway, looking for short setups!

Dow well above weekly PH. I expect it to tank.

could be break out tho? (not saying your wrong btw)....

i'd wait for divergence before closing longs....


Thanks GAZ....appreciate you and Notch helping.....

Can someone look what I have on my charts for indicators.....and help me understand what trix means?......Does it matter if the 0 is more in the middle or closer to bottom or top and once line is above 0 do you LONG and below Short?......just want to know how it is to help me confirm with FXFARIQ.....

Get rid of Vorticity...I thought that was suppose to be the "IT" to I guess it is no more.....I'll get rid of it......

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could be break out tho? (not saying your wrong btw).... i'd wait for divergence before closing longs....

You're not wrong it could break out. I'm just going on probabilities.