Eurusd/gbpusd - page 127

Break it to catch stops probably. This will be interesting. Too many retail traders entering the Dow at these levels in my view. Thank the FX Gods for confirmation indicators!

EU 1.43 here we come!!

dow looking like its breaking careful re shorts....

Break it to catch stops probably. This will be interesting.

Too many retail traders entering the Dow at these levels in my view. Thank the FX Gods for confirmation indicators!

crude going up too.... Gaz

My levels incorporate all these markets but - obviously - you could be right.

7 bloody pips...moan moan moan!

Not today buddy...not today. Almost have short confirmation again! Trix is decidedly overbought. Almost an inside bar on the 5...need 90 more seconds . Double top on the hourly and 4 hourly. Could be another inside there s special name for 2 inside bars? Still no confirmation. Confirmation, I'm short and looking for 4170.

good work mate!! where you in?

good work mate!! where you in?

great work from pl move to ph nice green pips hope for you

EU 1.43 here we come!!

Not today buddy...not today. Almost have short confirmation again! Trix is decidedly overbought. Almost an inside bar on the 5...need 90 more seconds . Double top on the hourly and 4 hourly. Could be another inside there s special name for 2 inside bars? Still no confirmation.

Confirmation, I'm short and looking for 4170. In fact, forget that profit target this thing is gonna tank BIG!

Monthly, Weekly, Daily, 4 hourly PH are all in the same zone 80% of the time that translates into one thing....TANK!!!!! BIG TANK!!!!!

My position size is smaller than usual just in

great work from pl move to ph nice green pips hope for you

Well's like this, I was long and aiming to get the range but the News was due out so I ended up with 7 PIPS out of MANY! But it's no problem these levels work like this on most days so I should always have a decent number of pips to reap.

good work mate!! Where you in?

4249 But it is a small position.

Well's like this, I was long and aiming to get the range but the News was due out so I ended up with 7 PIPS out of MANY! But it's no problem these levels work like this on most days so I should always have a decent number of pips to reap.

the key is in you hands you left a lot of pips on the table.looks move above 4265


I need to stop posting for a bit. I'm screwing up my positions sizing.


Stopped out...waiting for next confirmation. Gaz, check your PM.