Pimpology Lives On - Intensive Care for Newbies - page 14


Flipin heck

First of all Zak we are not in your team and there is no need to speak to people in such a patronising tone saying such things as "you are all doing very well indeed" as the people here are not children (well i assume the majority are not) you are not the master of universe except in you own head Zak so for a minute lets forget all the "pimp for president" crap.

You may think you are doing very well for an ex-waiter from Brighton but trying to manipulate people in the way you do is pretty evil the same goes for the rest of you FX guys, In the forex world the fx500club is just another cult and Zak is the David Koresh of your Fx500Cult. (if you do not know who David Koresh is then look it up on google).

If you are one of the people thinking about joining the fx500club which is what this thread in all reality is actually about then first have a think about what your motives are for joining and look at the definition of what a cult is.....check out wikipedia Cult - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You would also be doing yourself a favour by checking my post on Zak's other Pimpology thread.

These guys prey on your loneliness if you are a home trader and your greed for and easy way to financial freedom in the hope that you will join their club and line thier pockets with you hard earned cash...which in the longterm will be bad for you bank balance.

Psychological definition

Studies of the psychological aspects of cults focus on the individual person, and factors relating to the choice to become involved as well as the subsequent effects on individuals. Under one view, an important factor is coercive persuasion which suppresses the ability of people to reason, think critically, and make choices in their own best interest.

Studies of religious, political, and other cults have identified a number of key steps in this type of coercive persuasion:[26]

1. People are put in physically or emotionally distressing situations;

2. Their problems are reduced to one simple explanation, which is repeatedly emphasized;

3. They receive unconditional love, acceptance, and attention from a charismatic leader;

4. They get a new identity based on the group;

5. They are subject to entrapment (isolation from friends, relatives, and the mainstream culture) and their access to information is severely controlled.[27]

You may read the above Zak and it may make you feel good (ie: charismatic leader) but if karma does exist then............

It was only a few months ago that Zak was posting videos on the fxclub chat showing his members that the United States Of America had already made the Amero and Zak had the conspiracy video showing the coins lol.....well these coins were fake Zak and the majority of people in the world knew this about a year before you even posted the video.... you wannabe amateur trader.........you don't sell a service you sell dreams.

My god, you've got serious issues pal

I hate it when someone tries to spoil a thread.

I’ve been a member here for a while but never come across someone like you!

I’m a member of fx500 and it’s the only system I’ve come across that works, that’s my experience … what’s yours?

You sound like a jealous 4year old (sorry to all other 4 yr olds)

so sad, you really are ...

I've found a site just for you brokerbot: Preschool Activities with Teach Me Mommy

FX Pimp:
Well done. One trade one winner. Its a positive start and a very well executed trade.

Thats what I want to see here. Positive feedback from those dedicated to making it happen.

Congratulations if thats not tooooo condescending!

Thanks for the back up Bill and Bloom. I will drop the commissions over later. lol !

Thanks a lot for those words Zak. I am glad to get a positive feedback from the teacher

I hope I can do that consistently and keep learning more.

And about the commissions....Well I would want a share of the pie too...After all i backed u up as well ... And my commission would be....Your continuous presence on the thread and your help to all of us in learning the subject of "PIMPOLOGY"

Happy Trading



This Brokenbot, I mean Brokerguy is really something. Below is a post from the old Pimpology school. You can follow the link to see what he's all about.

All, just be aware that @brokerbot got caught out lying about this here - T2W Day Trading & Forex Forums. In short he/she made up a story about another member's experience with fx500club that was not true.

What I'm posting here is not about what lie he posted, but rather about going into life account. If anyone think he/she is ready to go life, start with a micro account first. No one should be selling anything just to start trading. Don't throw away your savings just to get started trading for real. Some brokers offer Micro account where you can start with as low a $1, that's right ONE DOLLAR. I Personally have blow 3 real accounts ever since I started trading forex last year, but they're MICRO account. So no problem.

When I first started in forex, I used a $ 25,000 demo account that I doubled in less than 2 weeks. So I thought trading is easy, so I decided to go live. But, I USE MY BRAIN. I opened a $25 micro account, and that equaled to $ 2,500 in micro. Boy, you never know how it feels to trade until you use real money. All the thrills, the fear, the angger, the greed, and every other feelings there are, you'll feel them when you go live. Even with such a small amount of money. You don't get to feel the real experience trading with fake money.

So no need to withdraw all the money from your bank when you think you're ready to go live. Unless you want to end up the like our friend, Brokerdude, quoted in there. I call him "friend" because I appriciate his effort in trying to "safe" us. I'm just trying to be positive here.

Anyway, to all you newbies who think you're ready to trade life. GO MICRO ACCOUNT FIRST!!! As a matter of fact, dump that demo account or just double that demo account once then go live with micro account so you know how it is when you trade live. If you can afford to blow away $25 or more at the bar or the mall, then you can afford a micro acount. Double that account 3 or 4 time and that's when you're ready to go. But still, don't go crazy selling all kinds of your belongings just to fund your account because you've already have the funds from your micro account that you've doubled, tripled, quadrupled, etc. (I stoped at quadrupled because I don't know what the next one is for five, six, and so on ).

OK, enough of this Brokerman and trading account. I came across something that had got forgotten amidst all the MAs, CCIs, breaks, and 1-2-3s. It's the Heikin-Ashi candle and how to read them. Some of you guys might already know it, but here's the link to an article about it anyway. Heikin-Ashi: A Better Candlestick. What a dummy I am, all this time using it and only now I got to know how to read it aside from green go long and red go short .



So no need to withdraw all the money from your bank when you think you're ready to go live. Unless you want to end up the like our friend, Brokerdude, quoted in there. I call him "friend" because I appriciate his effort in trying to "safe" us. I'm just trying to be positive here.


Whether brokerdude is either trying to "save us" or is simply a manipulator really means little compared to Salat's response IMHO. I'm glad we have some mature traders here who are trying to produce something decent.

And for the record, I have learned quite a few things from this thread so far.


Good music video

BTW guys, you might want to download the song "When the Man Comes Around" from the link that Brokerbot posted. I think it's pretty good, I played it over and over during trading yesterday and it brought me good pips. But that's just me though, others may have different taste in music.

Thanks dude.


Boy, you never know how it feels to trade until you use real money. All the thrills, the fear, the angger, the greed, and every other feelings there are, you'll feel them when you go live. Even with such a small amount of money. You don't get to feel the real experience trading with fake money. Salat

I fully agree here, when real money is on the table everything changes. One of the biggest battles with trading, is the battle within. Greed & Fear are very strong emotions and you need to learn how to manage those feelings, and the only way of doing that is with real money.

Don't get me wrong, I am not talking about throwing $1000 down the drain, be smart and play with small lots, and practice 1) money management, 2) taking a loss, 3) taking a win.


Hey guys

thanks for the support with broken bot. it seems to be out the way now so if you'd like to continue then let the games commence.

Regarding real or fake or dummy or demo accounts, one of the biggest issues I originally had was emotions coming into the trade.

I knew the trade was right. I knew the timing was pretty good, but I lost money as I became emotional and it didn't do exactly as it was supposed to straight away.

I went back to the drawing board with my tail between my legs and started once again with a demo. The emotion went almost instantly and it felt like a huge weight had been lifted of my shoulders.

"how can i replicate this feeling with real cash" I often asked myself.

Truth is you can't manage to do it 100% but you can have a good stab at it.

Think about it. If you are playing with a stake of 1p or 1c per pip, do you care about losing 50 pips? No of course you don't!

It's all about percentages so as long as you are risking no more than top whack 5% then regardless of 1p or 500 pound a point it's still 5% of your bank.

Do yourself a favour and trade real cash like it's a demo!

Begin with 200 quid and build it up. Remember that there is only 200 pounds of your own money in that account, even when it sits at 50,000.

Become attached to money and misery will be eagerly awaiting your arrival at the gates of depression!!

FX Pimp:
Hey guys

thanks for the support with broken bot. it seems to be out the way now so if you'd like to continue then let the games commence.

Regarding real or fake or dummy or demo accounts, one of the biggest issues I originally had was emotions coming into the trade.

I knew the trade was right. I knew the timing was pretty good, but I lost money as I became emotional and it didn't do exactly as it was supposed to straight away.

I went back to the drawing board with my tail between my legs and started once again with a demo. The emotion went almost instantly and it felt like a huge weight had been lifted of my shoulders.

"how can i replicate this feeling with real cash" I often asked myself.

Truth is you can't manage to do it 100% but you can have a good stab at it.

Think about it. If you are playing with a stake of 1p or 1c per pip, do you care about losing 50 pips? No of course you don't!

It's all about percentages so as long as you are risking no more than top whack 5% then regardless of 1p or 500 pound a point it's still 5% of your bank.

Do yourself a favour and trade real cash like it's a demo!

Begin with 200 quid and build it up. Remember that there is only 200 pounds of your own money in that account, even when it sits at 50,000.

Become attached to money and misery will be eagerly awaiting your arrival at the gates of depression!!

I agree with this 100%.

FX Pimp:
Hey guys

Do yourself a favour and trade real cash like it's a demo!

Now that's a new way to look at things. I guess I've been doing it all wrong then. That's why I get all tense up whenever I trade real accounts and end up lossing more than winning. Meanwhile I was so relaxed whenever I'm trading demo accounts I'm not always thinking how much money I'm going to lose if take the wrong trade. Now I got to hypnotize into thinking I'm trading demo.

I'm trading demo, I'm trading demo, I'm trading demo, I'm trading demo, I'm trading demo, I'm trading demo, I'm trading demo, I'm zzzzzzzzzzzz.....


thanks Zak !

Hi Zak and the contributors to this excellent thread.....!

Having made it here via Dan's Thread at T2w and then leap frogging from the mega Pimpology thread - I am looking forward to testing and playing with this system

I've dabbled with trading for many years but never been able to focus and knuckle down due to work and family pressures but this is the year !

In my experience ive encountered 4-5 great threads/strategies in the Trading cosmos that have stood the test of time and this is shaping up well as its based on sound principles and will make money used in the correct way assuming one adopts good risk/money management

Zak I know you are busy but I pm'd you for any templates so if available that would be great !

regards and I hope to contribute more in the future !
