A big truth about forex - page 7



To iGoR : now take a simple correlation function (CORREL in excel) and calculate autocorrelation of the data produced. Cases when it goes under 0.9 are as rare as Heidi Klum chest hair (mostly it is at 0.97xxxx) So, almost perfect...

Examples like that do not show anything about randomness, but about random data generator and constrains used to generate "random" data (the average change of 0.5% and standard deviation of 0.75% in that spreadsheet)


slices of pizza

ohhh..simba roars....

Thus my comment about bias to begin with....but you are so blind with ego you cannot see...Is English your first language? Probably not....

It's funny you agree.....

The exisitence of trend itself disproves randomness. There is always trend in some timeframe.

Slices of time can define cyles and I tend to begin to understand what MiniMe is explaining. What I have noticed is they do not necessarily repeat themselves which mimics randomness.


No,it is funny that YOU agree...I may have to rethink about it...

No,again ..English is not my first language,actually it is my fourth one,but I doubt this is a problem

WOW,"slices of time can define cycles" and you "tend to begin to understand" MiniMe?Actually...are YOU sure English is YOUR First language?Yes,yes I know you claim to live in Colorado,but..frankly,judging by the grammatical structure of your sentences either your education level is below par,or you are out of Ritalin....or,probably,both...but neither is your fault,so,sue your mental institution for malpractice and try to get an education with the proceeds.

In any case,I congratulate you for "tending to begin to understand" ...whatever it might be....





If you plan to continue with this type of posts to ES, then please don't drag me into your fight, and please keep me off your posts.

No,it is funny that YOU agree...I may have to rethink about it...

No,again ..English is not my first language,actually it is my fourth one,but I doubt this is a problem

WOW,"slices of time can define cycles" and you "tend to begin to understand" MiniMe?Actually...are YOU sure English is YOUR First language?Yes,yes I know you claim to live in Colorado,but..frankly,judging by the grammatical structure of your sentences either your education level is below par,or you are out of Ritalin....or,probably,both...but neither is your fault,so,sue your mental institution for malpractice and try to get an education with the proceeds.

In any case,I congratulate you for "tending to begin to understand" ...whatever it might be....



All Roar and no substance,

You are a troll that has made it a mission in life to somehow win an argument or flame otherwise good threads. Are you unhappy...how is your trading going?

And this obsession you have with medications....Whats up with that?

You seem to over-complicate things to a point that makes you seem beligerent and illiterate. But you choose to have this mountain size ego....that really does not impress anybody...

In any event....carry on...you are just making a mountain size fool of yourself and are ruining what seems to be a good thread by a knowledgable thread author.

Simba, You seem to have a mission to fight with ElectricSavant....I do not need to win the arguement....


P.S. There is always room to grow....There is always room for understanding. This is the "truth" thread and I have posted some facts for others to consider and I have gathered some more information to ponder. dznmrd, TY for this thread. I apologize for myself replying in such a wasteful amount of space and for Simba's attitude. It is embarrassing....even if Simba is advesarial and over-complicated....he is still a Trader (eventhough he may or may not trade money...I really do not know) and I consider Traders of Money my friends. Now lets see if Simba can be quiet or if he feverishly has to type a reply and get the last word, this will reveal some more of his mentality. I have decided not to waste anymore time replying to his posts.

P.P.S. Is Simba El Cid aka OilFXpro? who was banned from this Forum...he sure reminds me of that character.

No,it is funny that YOU agree...I may have to rethink about it...

No,again ..English is not my first language,actually it is my fourth one,but I doubt this is a problem

WOW,"slices of time can define cycles" and you "tend to begin to understand" MiniMe?Actually...are YOU sure English is YOUR First language?Yes,yes I know you claim to live in Colorado,but..frankly,judging by the grammatical structure of your sentences either your education level is below par,or you are out of Ritalin....or,probably,both...but neither is your fault,so,sue your mental institution for malpractice and try to get an education with the proceeds.

In any case,I congratulate you for "tending to begin to understand" ...whatever it might be....



Don't look at the whole video it will be boring but only at the start where the professor talks about polypods... I am sure many will think this was not possible !!!


Sorry Minime, I did not have the time yet to have a look to it. As soon as I can I will give you my thoughts about it...

Friendly regards....iGoR

To iGoR : now take a simple correlation function (CORREL in excel) and calculate autocorrelation of the data produced. Cases when it goes under 0.9 are as rare as Heidi Klum chest hair (mostly it is at 0.97xxxx) So, almost perfect... Examples like that do not show anything about randomness, but about random data generator and constrains used to generate "random" data (the average change of 0.5% and standard deviation of 0.75% in that spreadsheet)

Hi Mladen,

I know but the point I tryed to make is to homestudy who struggled with a question. If you read back his question and my aswer it should become clearer.

I tryed to show that one can have similar points or levels that are made by a random trade generator and that by this the level he saw was there by pure coinsidence nothing more nothing less.

And that one can think that those points give an edge more then 50% but that this does not mean that the market as a whole is predictable.

It was not my intention to give proof on the compleet argument random or predictable with the help of that spread sheet. It was only in response to the question HS had.

I hope this explains my posting.

Friendly regards...iGoR


the question is does randomness exist?

just because we do not know the cause or effect does not mean its random, does it?


Here lets try this:

Lets say a bank has a Client who wants to hedge a manufacturing account receivable...so he gives the bank his order....now this guy does not have MT4 lol....He simply calls his bank...he is not a speculator...

Ok so the bank has this large order....so they want to fill it at 15:00 ...so they get their trading room on it and they start to hit the phones....they drive the price (fixing) to a place where it will retrace then fill their client at an artificial price they cascaded....Now they have removed risk and have something to trade against....

Is this random?


the question is does randomness exist?

just because we do not know the cause or effect does not mean its random, does it?


Is another way to approach the market, from my point of view complementary to fundamental analysis and technical analysis

PD:Simba is one of the most respected members of this forum. (If there are newbies reading)


God`s name

SIMBA, If you plan to continue with this type of posts to ES, then please don't drag me into your fight, and please keep me off your posts.

I didn`t fight him,I don`t plan to continue these types of posts,since I write them as it suits me..spur of the moment,so to say ...and,more important,I didn`t drag you..I just stated a fact about a previous post of him,basically I copied and pasted what he asserted about you,in any case,if you feel I dragged you,that is your problem,not mine,and you should ask the moderators to intervene on your behalf..Do not mention Minime`s name in vain..oh my God, I should go to the confessionary soon
