The Legend of The Gambler - page 13


I won't be trading too much towards the end of this week and next week. I have my vacation coming up, and we're going somewhere warm this holiday season. I don't want to be stuck in a bunch of drawdown while I'm sipping on my pina colada.

Account #1 Summary (Post Date):

Deposit/Withdrawal: 20 000.00

Balance: 39 144.21

Equity: 39 144.21

Tortoise Account Summary (Post Date):

Deposit/Withdrawal: 5 147.29

Balance: 5 222.78

Equity: 5 025.31


A vacation sounds lovely. By the way, where are you from? I checked your profile page, but never saw a locale.


Currently, I'm located in the US.


Forex day trading system

In the he forex trading system is intuitive and ergonomic. All trading functions can be performed from the main screen, including placing a trade, leaving an order, position and order management, and margin analysis.Below the image is a list of the numbered sections with a short description. Click on any of the numbered links to see specific information about a particular section of the forex trading system. Specific information about trade execution and order management is also provided. Remember that our customers get free, live training. Go to the Forex Day Trading home page for more info.



Please stop posting in my thread.

I'm not interested in your system. Start your own thread to hock your goods.

You can't be selling your snake oil in my thread when I already have my own snake oil potion throughout my thread.

This thread isn't big enough for the both of us, and you need to move along.


^ I'm using my trend following system now, trading mostly the majors, but I'm adding EURGBP to the mix if it continues to trend like this year.

Manually, I love scalping the range before the London open, and "fishing" on the US open.

I plan to use my grid system, and maybe even the basket trading system if I can get it to work.

My next developmental work is a daily breakout system, a comparative price action system, and a pattern recognition CCI system.

As you can tell, I use very little indicators to trade, I trade off mostly price actions, S/R, and zones.


If I have time, I'll go "fishing" around the US market open, focusing mainly on the Euro and the Cable.

I love when the US equity markets starts, it's like a wild beast is unleashed into the arena, and all the gladiators are ready for battle.



I thought you may have been from Kazakstan... I here Kenny Rogers is really big out there (insert sarcasm smiley here).

The U.S. open scares me. There's a hint of "violence" in the price behavior during that session - obviously echoed by your sentiment and corresponding use of the gladiator reference. But hey, if you can book it in black, then by all means...


Fell asleep. Missed my Euro entry, would have been positive by now.

Long Cable @ 1.4916.


Out all 3 lots of Cable @ 1.4936. +20 pips.

I guess that's good enough for this morning to have coffee and some breakfast.

Probably could have gotten more, and just let it run, but nah. I don't want to hold anything this close to the weekend.

Update: Should have held on, it just shot up to 1.4966. Oh wells.
