New Members introduction - page 304


hi just became a member and would really appreciate if someone here will help me to find a nice system that if traded correctly i will end up being profitable pleaseeeeeeee....



We are traders of Forex trading in Forex market since 2 years. We also provide indicators and signal services. Very soon we are launching one of the best MT4 trade manager.


Hello. New here. Just checking in to say hi.


A new member says Hi.

A new member says Hi.

Hi to all, i have on fx about 5 year

so if you need help i am here



helo to all,


Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum.

I am a newbie to trading and wish to benefit from the experience of others


Hello every one



Forex trader for six years, managing hedge fund institution for two years.

Thank you


hi I've benn in forex for 3 years now..