55bc - page 12

ahmed, drag Step_MA 7.2 onto your chart.

Thank you very much..

Did somebody try this one?...to set "williams bars 2" for period "9" And Rsi chart to "6"..i tried Gbp\Jpy??!!..it looks more acurate and i get more better INs\OUTs..What do you think ?..just try it and anybody welcome to say his\her opinion..

see if you can/want to use/play with this indicator as filter (doesn't repaint-as far as I know)...a sound will be really nice ...Thanks

Fisher_Yur4ik-1.mq4 (2.0 KB,

repaints big time

Thank you very much.. Did somebody try this one?...to set "williams bars 2" for period "9" And Rsi chart to "6"..i tried Gbp\Jpy??!!..it looks more acurate and i get more better INs\OUTs..What do you think ?..just try it and anybody welcome to say his\her opinion..

Are you using the latest template to make these changes?

Thank you very much.. Did somebody try this one?...to set "williams bars 2" for period "9" And Rsi chart to "6"..i tried Gbp\Jpy??!!..it looks more acurate and i get more better INs\OUTs..What do you think ?..just try it and anybody welcome to say his\her opinion..

Will try to play around with your settings, at the mean time, still waiting thestellaman to say something on his whole new revamped sexy 55bc.

Are you using the latest template to make these changes?

Yes,and actuly i tried at the first Templete OUR SMART MAN "thestellaman" that he post it..tell me what do you think?

Will try to play around with your settings, at the mean time, still waiting thestellaman to say something on his whole new revamped sexy 55bc.

ME TOO I AM WAITTING HIS WORDS ..and tell me ur opinion about what i am doing too,if u got time to try it.

Fisher_Yur4ik-1.mq4 (2.0 KB, repaints big time

how do you know it repaints ?...I monitored the 1min chart for a wile and I did not "catch" any repaints ( after the curent bar closes of course)

Tommorow I will stare at the 1 min chart again for a longer time...see if I see any repaint..

(P.S. it's not the traditional fisher:-)

Doesn't it depend upon what input value you specified?

This is kind of confuzing to me :-) what exactly do you mean?

P.S.( to me it repaints or not...and if repaints on 1 min that means it repaints on higher TF as well even if not so often-like some may say...so when I'm not sure about an indicator I always check the 1 min TF to see how it behaves...I did not observe any repaintings on this version when I checked...though I do admit that I did not study it for too long...

Fisher_Yur4ik-1.mq4 (2.0 KB, repaints big time

looking at your attached image...looks like it does :-(

I will check this again tomorow on the 1 min TF... I'm too tired now :-)

looking at your attached image...looks like it does :-( I will check this again tomorow on the 1 min TF... I'm too tired now :-)

Believe fxbs, believe me..... this fisher indic repaints your whole bed room...

But I got one fisher version from Kalenzo, which isn't repaint, I got to dig it out if you want.

Believe fxbs, believe me..... this fisher indic repaints your whole bed room... But I got one fisher version from Kalenzo, which isn't repaint, I got to dig it out if you want.

YES...it does! :-( yep, if you have one that does not repaint please attach it :-) though it's funny who gave the last one says it does not repaint...I could not beleive it so I did check the 1 min, switch to Higher TF and came back to the 1 min...at that time it looked good...I could not go to sleep tonight so I did stay on it till I did ketch it :-( :-(

...Well, if you have a version that does not...please dig it out :-) I will really appreciate it :-)Thanks

The one that I have was NOT the traditional fisher that I knew repaints...