55bc - page 10

hbrandt Lost 30 pips :-(


This is a good brake out method but it needs other indicators to stop the false signals.

i was going to have a good old rant but i cant be arsed.................happy trading all.............

goodnight and farewell...............

you friendly neighbourhood


p.s.....i remember reading somwhere that we were all newbies once and it is from such newbies that we now make a living.so yes use stop losses bigger than your profit and please fill your screen full of loverly indicators and filter your trades to death..as i need you to lose your money so i can make mine................

p.p.s..........there is just no helping some peeps.


exactly . as this part of your first post states

'' so what i have got is a method that suits my personal style of trading,which by the way has took me over a year to finally get comfy with,but now i have something that works for me in the timeframe and hours that suit me,which is why i wasnt sure to post it or not(because its personal to me)......but then i thought well the reason i have been around for the past 18months (although i dont post a lot)is that i sat and read through the sytems posted some good and some not so good and picked bits and bobs from some and played around and "tried" to learn something about this crazy world of forex.


[CODE] Jessica keough hi thestellaman, i like yor trading style..can you help me..

1. do you use stop loss?

2. how many pips is your TP?

3. how to avoid the conditions which is appears to many arrows? i mean we saw arrow up but then later change to down arrow , than up arrow appear again, than arrow down again althought i already notice that the candle stick already closed below sell zone ( sell) and above buy zone (buy) (maybe this the false signal of this method) any filter?

I use a simple 13MA with -21/21 levels, this helps to give the range, therefore if you get a signal and the pair are trading at the outer edge I would be carefull, of course there are many of ways...


i was going to have a good old rant but i cant be arsed.................happy trading all.............

goodnight and farewell...............

you friendly neighbourhood


p.s.....I remember reading somwhere that we were all newbies once and it is from such newbies that we now make a living.so yes use stop losses bigger than your profit and please fill your screen full of loverly indicators and filter your trades to death..as i need you to lose your money so i can make mine................

p.p.s..........there is just no helping some peeps.

You look like you got mad Stellman? Nobody said is a bad system...but contrary...we like the system......I don't think anybody in right mind expects a 100% accurate system :-) we just need that sma sw that you had in the 1st post and then looks good again...and yes it is normal to have some false ones...we all know there is no holy ground out there

p.s. I posted my entries as I made them including the lost ones to just keep the tread going and keep learning and encourage each other.

Before I go, one more time: THANK YOU FOR THE SYSTEM...it's a good one :-)

Happy "piping" all :-) and God Bless


i am trading this system and my losing account has become stable now , not that i am making money but the loosing streak has ended. There are loses and there are wins , i have now to figure out how to increase my wins.



thanks for this system

just follow the rule and then ucan take ur profit


indys and template


indys and template cont......


Thanks for sharing!!!

Thanks for sharing!!!

thestellaman you are great

your system is best

trade for friday 25/04/08............. taking all 8 signals and taking exit either on next signal or at close of bar at 1200 produced total profit of 231 pips


Thank you for sharing this stratgy...i like it.

i download ur indi's anf temp. but i still do not have the goldy\dark green line on the main chart that appears in ur templete!!...where is my wrong?could you please help me out?