I have posted a new version of Signal Bars v7 on the 1st post as i have had requests for an extra TimeFrame so traders can have all the lower TimeFrames plus Daily displayed

I would love it if you would add RANGE (high - low) under each of the intervals.
If you wanted to keep it as colored bars instead of numbers, then you could have an input for the average length. Red if current range is less than average range, Green if current range is greater than average range.
Thank you for your consideration.
Pulling Down The Wizard Of Oz's Curtain
I have been learning how to code in MT4.
Those of you who might like to make your own meters can use this code.
It's too bad that everyone doesn't share their source code.
It's too bad that everyone doesn't share their source code.
I hope that's not an attack on CJA. Every coder has the right to protect their source if they so wish.
However I appreciate your efforts and sharing.
Thanks for sharing, guys!
Your class is much appreciated.
I hope that's not an attack on CJA. Every coder has the right to protect their source if they so wish. However I appreciate your efforts and sharing.
Not attacking anyone.
If someone wants to protect their source that is their decision.
I wanted to learn how to make my own meters but CJA didn't provide source and won't. I found someone who did provide the source to their meter. Now I can make my own and so can you! I can't wait to see how people improve upon these.
Isn't it better to share information than withhold it?
Another piece of the puzzle: MACD
Please get the lastest version from the TRO_Meters zip file... just scroll down.
STR needs some work but all the pieces of the source code ( and then some ) are now available.
Perhaps someone will assemble a more powerful version.

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I have added an extra line of code to Signal Bars V7 & v71 to see if this will deter people from selling it on ebay - sorry for the inconvenience to all those honest members as this will add extra clutter to your charts
What do you think?? Should we be doing this on all our indicators. The problem is it will only work for ex4 files and that of course would mean no mq4 files and therefore the end of code sharing. Of course that will not get around decompiling either, I notice that there is a decompiled version of Signal Bars out there now although it is a very early version, There is no easy answer.
As someone who has posted hundreds of free indicators, along with source code, for TradeStation and eSignal, I wouldn't worry about it.
I have seen my code "repackaged" and sold. But most people are smart enough to google first and pay later.
No need to make most people suffer just because of a few rotten apples.
Besides, if you post the source, then who knows what enhancements maybe forthcoming. I, for one, would be tinkering with it and sharing my version.
And, you can always contact eBay and have the seller shut down!!