MQL4 Learning - page 77


Read this

I have written several EA's now and when back testing I learned they didn't work.................... open per currency pair.

Read this it may help

Creation of a Normal Program - MQL4 Tutorial

Read this it may help Creation of a Normal Program - MQL4 Tutorial

I am trying to code a module into an EA that would automatically take a screenshot at each trade. Anybody knows how to do that and can guide me? I would appreciate it very much.


Look in the help file at a function called WindowScreenShot()

Good luck



Using a Ea to draw a indicator

Hi all,

Have a EA which uses instances of indicators through iCustom().

I am stuck with how to use the EA to draw the indicators on the screen instead of having to do it manually.. I want to see the indicators on screen while the EA is using them...

I have searched everywhere and can't find the way to do it! :-(

Help appreciated...



Custom MT4 language

Hello, am I right to say that the MT4 language is a custom form of C++ code but many of the language commands are fairly similar?

If so, I heard that MT5 is going to be even more similar to C++.

I have an EA that doesn't use really complex coding so is there a code checker program I can use to see if any of the commands I used in the EA are not compatible with the native C++ language?

because I'm going to assume that if the EA is not to complex and conforms to basic C++ rules then I would also assume that the EA should work with MT5 as well when it comes out.

Thank you



Easiest way would be to run it through a C++ compiler and see what comes out... I will come out with loads of errors but look at the data types more than anything because that seems to be the only real obvious difference!



Ok, ran it through a compiler and loads of errors

Ok, ran it through a compiler and loads of errors

But look at what is says about your types...

Trust me it is very similar.. I code as if C++ language and only look up for correct syntax if there is errors..

datetime some_time=StrToTime("02:00");

int shift=iBarShift("EUROUSD",PERIOD_H1,some_time);

Print("close price of the bar with open time ",TimeToStr(some_time)," is ",iClose[shift]);

i'm sorry sir,

the code iclose price is moving, i'm want some fix closed price on specific time only..

after compile...

the iClose[shift]; - '[' - left parenthesis expected & '[' - unexpected token

if i put the code like this - d13 = iClose(NULL,PERIOD_H1,shift);

its no errors.. but the closed price is moving

pleaase help me... i'm out of my mind



see picture below

data.jpg  92 kb

Trendline/triangle indicator

Hi All,

Thought I would have another stab at programming a triangle indicator based on following:

Last month high to last week high

Last week high to yesterday high

Yesterday high to last H4 high

Last month low to last week low

Last week low to yesterday low

Yesterday Low to last H4 low.

However, on some brokers it works as expected, on others it gives the correct prices, but not the correct time.

Can someone take a look at it and let me know what I've done wrong. I have probably missed out something, I just can't seem to see the wood from the trees.

trendsr.mq4  7 kb