Guyver's trading journal - page 37



I have re-enter for long 109.79 wit stop 109.30

abandon position 109.56

abandon position 109.56

Well being completely in between chopiness..

Trades taken so far this week..






Nothing upcomming some hopes with EURUSD waiting though.



Unfortunately for me i was more interested to program it then to trade it and it flew while i was still inside the "For LOOP" .. journal costing pips here.

Here is my chart and the trade i missed. Damn.. !!!...

Better Luck Next Time !..



You know what? looking at USDJPY still tells me it has made a low ..

This template i am still trying to stay away,

You know what? looking at USDJPY still tells me it has made a low .. This template i am still trying to stay away,

went long usdjpy 109.64 sl 109.24 this would be my last attempt i thinking .


Hi guyver .... just checkinhg in to see how you are doing

harmonc lines they adjust at times

also .......

there is a new mt4 harmonic file that was just posted

i think it does a little bit better job than the one you are using

( just my oppinion )

here is the link


i would like to get it also

and will need your help to be able to load it

mt4 is now on my computer ,

i dont know how to load these mt4 templates and zips yet ..... ill send you a pm .....

go check this one out .... its right here in this forum

went long usdjpy 109.64 sl 109.24 this would be my last attempt i thinking .

stopped out at USDJPY.. -40..

Market Wavez i am not using zup.. but sure post your trades lets see if we have some good trades upcomming.

went long GBPUSD 1.9530

stop 1.9490


i closed the previous long @ 1.9523 -7 pips

I am waiting for it go little higher near 1.9700's first

i closed the previous long @ 1.9523 -7 pips I am waiting for it go little higher near 1.9700's first

i have 2 lots buy stop @ 1.9708 ( bid ).. no stops determine yet


i have 2 lots buy stop @ 1.9708 ( bid ).. no stops determine yet -----------------------------------------

currently removed this order and went long 1.9548 with stop @ 1.9490