RandyCandles - Information - page 50


Hello old friend~

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Hi Summitfx,

Man why did you have to be so cruel and tell the whole world my shameful secret....dam I'm going off to hide now in the corner until I can gain some of that confidence you talk about......

Seriously though, I have to admit I do agree with your statement you made about my trading......but I do believe that it's a little more that 78.99% more like 77.98231%. ....and you are very right I can see the set ups all day long but they will not mean much until I gain that magic confidence......(THE ONE AND ONLY HOLY GRAIL)

Vegas is probably developing good skills but lacks 78.99% of the 80% confidence level needed to be successful. Good Luck


You will~

Hi Summitfx,

Man why did you have to be so cruel and tell the whole world my shameful secret....dam I'm going off to hide now in the corner until I can gain some of that confidence you talk about......

Seriously though, I have to admit I do agree with your statement you made about my trading......but I do believe that it's a little more that 78.99% more like 77.98231%. ....and you are very right I can see the set ups all day long but they will not mean much until I gain that magic confidence......(THE ONE AND ONLY HOLY GRAIL)



You change your Avitar more times than I change my underwear.....(which reminds me it's the 1st of the month again).....your just like a woman with too many hand bags or shoes..........Got you Back.....lmao

Vegas- You will~

What % on your multi-indicator do you consider OK to take action on? Have not yet had a chance to read about your indicator, but thought I would ask you.


Hello Alpha,

You can actually set that parameter in the INPUTS of the indy. I think the default is 80%, but I bumped it up to 85% for a "Strong" signal. Personally, I'm not paying so much attention to this as far as "GO" or NO GO" right now with RC. I'm just testing the waters for now, but will move to a more structured trading approach as I get more comfortable with the method.

You change your Avitar more times than I change my underwear.....(which reminds me it's the 1st of the month again).....

THAT.........was T M I.....


Current chart shows a trade I wouldn't take simply because of the time of day, I'm concerned it doesn't have enough thrust to get my profit target and we're in the middle of a consolidation period. Better setups to come. I'm just a bundle of indecisiveness LOL

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Perfect SMA Line Argument....no trades


My wife says that as long I'm making money, it's OK with her if I trade in her bra and panties

Summitfx, You change your Avitar more times than I change my underwear.....(which reminds me it's the 1st of the month again).....your just like a woman with too many hand bags or shoes..........Got you Back.....lmao

OH My.........

My lack of confidence just went down to zero.....I'm in shock and can't get that nasty image out of my head.......arrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......

I hope you always wear matching sets........lmao x 6

My wife says that as long I'm making money, it's OK with her if I trade in her bra and panties
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