All John Ehlers Indicators... - page 27


thanks, Tools- where've you been!?

thanks, Tools- where've you been!?

Been working a lot of hours on J.O.B. lately so pretty much



Sinewave with S/R

Phoenix Pip:
Heres those indis. Oh yeah for the sinewave2.mq4 indi to work you must have the CyclePeriod.mq4 file in your indicators folder aswell Peace....

Phoenix pip have a look at the attached indi. Iwas working on it these days, but I am struggling on the display of the S/R lines for the last cross.

May be Igorad or any brilliant coders could help me to solve the problem. It should not be difficult but I can't find my way round.



I tried to do something with your indicator. Please test it.

Maybe something is wrong.

Phoenix pip have a look at the attached indi. Iwas working on it these days, but I am struggling on the display of the S/R lines for the last cross.

May be Igorad or any brilliant coders could help me to solve the problem. It should not be difficult but I can't find my way round.

sinewave3.mq4  7 kb
sine_1.gif  22 kb


I tried to do something with your indicator. Please test it. Maybe something is wrong.


Thank you for looking at it, it is not what I am aiming.

What you have done is drawing a line from the highest high/lowest low to the next cross of the sinewave. That is why you have lines with different lengths.

what I am aiming his to draw a support/resistance from the high/low of the candle after the cross of the sinewave


Just try don't use Time[s-9] in your code (ex.Time[s+9]).


Thank you for looking at it, it is not what I am aiming.

What you have done is drawing a line from the highest high/lowest low to the next cross of the sinewave. That is why you have lines with different lengths.

what I am aiming his to draw a support/resistance from the high/low of the candle after the cross of the sinewave

Time S+9 display the line backwards-

what I want is something similar to the graph in the attached graphic

either for a fix amount of candle after de cross or like in the graphic until the reverse cross occurs


One more version of Sinewave is ready. Now it looks as you wish.

I suppose that you try to create something similar to Better Sine Wave.

Time S+9 display the line backwards-

what I want is something similar to the graph in the attached graphic

either for a fix amount of candle after de cross or like in the graphic until the reverse cross occurs
sine_2.gif  20 kb


One more version of Sinewave is ready. Now it looks as you wish. I suppose that you try to create something similar to Better Sine Wave.

Dear Igorad,

that's it

Thank you very much a was approaching but cold not figure it completely.

One more item for the community tool box.

If you don't mind I renamed it Sinewave with S&R to make it clear for future readers and search on the net. I am not sure I could call it "Better Sine Wave"




Hi, Igorad!

Today i have read Ehlers "Rocket science for traders" and it seems the method of calculation differs from mq4-coded version. Was it somehow optimized or the difference is not really significant?
