MANAGED accounts - page 4


hope your getting all your answers.


Sorry Marcel, but honestly- a manager who seeks for people over a forum like Forex-tsd doesn't sound anything better than Igor turning into a EA convert. That went well.

You market yourself too hard, and in half your "ROI" reports you forget to report your NAV.

Your floating losses are terrible and reach nearly 50% of the account at times.

I doubt you are that good of a trader. Sorry.

PS. There's a reason why your live account is funded with less than 100. Your system most likely blows up over time, and you're looking to bank on the times it doesn't.

Thanks for your points of view, Walander.

In the next month I'm gonna post the monthly ROI and NAV for October, thanks for the tip.

I want to precise you few things:

I actually don't have any account over 21% floating (except one demo with 25%), I know sometimes floatings get high but that's part of my strategy. I have an amazing account protection system, that's why I took my first lost last week in my $400 personal account that already recovered in two days. I just trade in a different way. In addition in my thread I warn about the floating P/L. And I got a 45% maximum floating on MY account. Even more, I see very few account managers that post their account's equities. Anyway, you can see mines anytime in marcelcorzo1's page | Myfxbook

Note: managed account # 4 is managed by me since last week, so you can see a choppy history before that I didn't have nothing to do with that.

I'm posting in TSD two personal accounts, one with $400 now (started 280+30 bonus last month) Instaforex broker, another interbank's account with almost 100 (that's you were referring to) started with $50. Of course I have more larger accounts, but I don't post them here for personal security reasons and because I have mixed many strategies in the past that can confuse a follower of the Managed Accounts strategy and create false hopes.

Most important, I have a few managed accounts whose clients aren't complained yet. You can be sure if I blown one of those accounts they'll be the first to blame me here. I don't have asked them yet to make a "rescue deposit" to save the accounts.

I understand there is a little distrust here, but if someone interested can't trust me, simply follow my thread some months to see the results over time, and take the decision later. Otherwise, I offer little minimum managed accounts (most of managers ask you a minimum of $2000 - $5000), because people can test with little few money before let me managed a larger account.

Walander, thank you for your concern. I know your intention is to protect other traders, and I respect that.


Marcel Corzo


Past 9 years average profit paid is +34% p.a. (without compounded interest) with 30+ years of experience for forex trading. Registered company in Switzerland.

Maximum risk is 5% per new trade (conservative risk structure)

September 2009 profit is +9% for the "4 hour data portfolio".

September 2009 profit is +5% for the "daily data portfolio".

Anybody interested in "managed forex account" please let me know.


Managed Accounts

Hi all,

For those whom invest in Managed Accounts (money managers, MDA's and EA's) which one do you use and how has your experience been? There is a vast amount of these out there I am curious to hear from fellow investors and traders alike.

Feedback Appreciated



I have tried fx-managedaccounts and got decent returns. And they don't overcharge.