Traders joking, the beginning - page 507



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by the way he is stroking that lamp...I can tell, he never had a woman before...

After years of bashing Obamacare, tea party candidate Ted Cruz just signed up for it. And next week he plans to get gay married at Planned Parenthood.
NASA’s Mars rover just completed its first marathon after it spent the last 11 years traveling over 26 miles. Of course, the rover from Kenya was able to do it in just nine years.


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According to a new study, human waste contains gold and other special minerals. In the future this could make things awkward when a cashier asks, "How would you like to pay for that"?


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Vin Diesel said that "Fast and Furious 7" will win the Oscar for best picture. He's being kept in a hospital overnight for observation.


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Republican candidate Ted Cruz said recently that in the 36 hours after he announced that he's running for president, he’s raised over a million dollars. And Hillary Clinton closed her checkbook and said, “Happy to help. Can't wait."