Traders joking, the beginning - page 265


As far as negotiating with the president, John Boehner said, "I don't want to put anything on the table and I don't want to take anything off the table." Of course not — like most congressmen they like to do business UNDER the table.


Georgia Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey said it's time for his party to have a "Braveheart" moment for the American people. Really? This whole government shutdown feels like another Mel Gibson movie: "Ransom."





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A new study found that dogs can actually feel genuine love for their owners. While cats just keep a journal of all the things they hate about you.


Ernest Hemingway once won the Nobel Prize for literature. Hemingway told an interviewer that the Nobel Prize was his second greatest achievement. I don't know what the first one was, probably catching a big fish while drunk.


The other day California's health insurance exchange said that over 5 million people went to their website on the first day of Obamacare. It turns out they were off by 4.4 million. It got only 645,000 hits. It turns out those were from the same guy just trying to log on over and over.



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They said today that the government shutdown will not interfere with NASA's next mission to Mars. Isn’t that ironic? We can go to Mars but we can't go to the Statue of Liberty.