Traders joking, the beginning - page 635

Hillary Clinton had a coughing fit during a speech and the crowd actually chanted her name as she opened a cough drop. She got applause for choking — or as Jeb put it, "Must be nice."

This is the news: monkey in Brazil drinks rum and chases bar patrons with knife


Well, monkeys are known to get drunk on fermented fruit in the wild, so why not do it a city environment too.

When Barack Obama was asked if Donald Trump could be president, he said, "I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be president. And the reason is because I have a lot of faith in the American people." A president with faith in his citizens? I trust everything this guy says.


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IKEA is being accused of evading over $1 billion in taxes. Prosecutors have actually been after IKEA for years. They've just been having a hard time putting their case together.



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Pope Francis stated that he did not think that Donald Trump is a true Christian because of Trump's beliefs on immigration. I know you're thinking there goes the Pope's chance of being on the next season of "Celebrity Apprentice."


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The University of Texas has decided to allow students to carry guns in the classroom. The school says it’s a guaranteed way to prevent the possibility of a pop quiz.