Error 4024 on ChartOpen


In the code below, the error comes up on ChartOpen.  Now, despite the error; the chart still opens. 

After going through a few things, I actually found out the problem.  MT4 using too much memory.  I made the following changes:

Somehow after I installed MT4, I forgot to change the Max bars property.  1000 is too much too for me.  I don't see why anyone would need more than that.

Here's the code:

//|                                                    ChartHelp.mqh |
//|                                                   Nondisclosure. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property strict

input bool bPrefix=false; //Is there a prfix?
input string sPrefix="";  //..And if so, what is it?
input bool bSuffix=false;  //Is there a suffix?
input string sSuffix=""; //..And if so, what is it?
input string sTemplate="Defalt";//What chart template should we use?

string Pairs[13]=
//|                                                                  |
void SetupCharts()
   if(bPrefix || bSuffix)
   int tf=PERIOD_H1;
//|                                                                  |
void ResetPairs()
      for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(Pairs);i++)
      for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(Pairs);i++)
//|                                                                  |
void OpenThem(int tf,string tpl)
   long IDs;
   bool isOpen=false;
   for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(Pairs);i++)
            Print("Error on Chart Open! Template: ",tpl,". Error: ",GetLastError());
//|                                                                  |
bool funcIsOpen(string sym,int tf)
   bool isFound=false;
   long chartID;
   string chartSymbol;
   int chartTimeframe=0;
      if(chartSymbol==sym && chartTimeframe==tf)
      //Comment("Chart id:",chartID,"\n","Symbol: ",ChartSymbol(chartID),"\n","Timeframe: ",ChartPeriod(chartID));

//| defines                                                          |
// #define MacrosHello   "Hello, world!"
// #define MacrosYear    2010
//| DLL imports                                                      |
// #import "user32.dll"
//   int      SendMessageA(int hWnd,int Msg,int wParam,int lParam);
// #import "my_expert.dll"
//   int      ExpertRecalculate(int wParam,int lParam);
// #import
//| EX5 imports                                                      |
// #import "stdlib.ex5"
//   string ErrorDescription(int error_code);
// #import
Anyway.  I'm posting this just in case someone else is having the same problem.   :)

  1. Your problem may be related to the other problems with that build.
  2. Report it so it gets fixed.
  1. Your problem may be related to the other problems with that build.
  2. Report it so it gets fixed.

No.  I fixed it.  I was able to track it down to a memory limitation on my system.  When I keep what's running on the pc to a minimum; I don't get the error.  But if I do something else that's memory intensive (Visual Studio installer, not installing, just loaded); I get the error.

I don't believe it is a problem with the build at all.‌


No.  I fixed it.  I was able to track it down to a memory limitation on my system.  When I keep what's running on the pc to a minimum; I don't get the error.  But if I do something else that's memory intensive (Visual Studio installer, not installing, just loaded); I get the error.

I don't believe it is a problem with the build at all.‌

But is it Build 1045?

Y‌ou shouldn't need to drop max bars to 1000 under normal circumstances.


But is it Build 1045?

Y‌ou shouldn't need to drop max bars to 1000 under normal circumstances.

Ok.  I would think so, but that's ok.  I'll look for an email for support.

  1. Your problem may be related to the other problems with that build.
  2. Report it so it gets fixed.
Sorry.  I shouldn't have been so terse toward you.  I should've behaved better.  :(