Let's kill MT4! - page 3

cell phones evolve, cars... but metatrader 4 i can imagine using it the way it's today 100 years in the future as long as the markets exist and it will do fine.

The only way I know how to kill it: make it more profitable for brokers to use MT5 and not MT4.

1) Increase MT5 quality in relation to MT4 and other platforms from the competition:

  • Make MT5 beautiful. It's not. (retail traders love all dat bling bling) 
  • Improve the way you communicate with and instruct newbie clients (more videos on youtube, more tutorials, more interactive media - articles are boring to people looking foward to "get-rich-fast")
  • Give MT5 a good API able to export statistical information about trades and track records, free to be used by brokers and social trading networks (such as FxStat, myFxBook, etc)
  • Create an organized and easy way for newbies to learn how to program C++ & MQL5 (using videos, interactive learning and avoiding long-ass articles)

2) Transition smoothly

  • Make it sustainable for brokers to offer both MT4 and MT5.
  • Make sure clients understand why MT5 stands out from the competition, and agressively target them to switch.
  • Really make sure to the clients that MT5 is the future, and MT4 is the past. MT4 will die.
  • Improve the broker's experience of fully transitioning from MT4 to MT5 so that it is quick, clean and cheap.


"Restructure" MT5 terminals and servers to be compatible with every latest MT4 indicator and EA, and slowly kill MT4 compatibility.
This is the Microsoft way (e.g.: windows 8 compatible with windows 2000 apps). It's shitty. Please don't do it..

Diogo Seca:

The only way I know how to kill it: make it more profitable for brokers to use MT5 and not MT4.

1) Increase MT5 quality in relation to MT4 and other platforms from the competition:

  • Make MT5 beautiful. It's not. (retail traders love all dat bling bling) 
  • Improve the way you communicate with and instruct newbie clients (more videos on youtube, more tutorials, more interactive media - articles are boring to people looking foward to "get-rich-fast")
  • Give MT5 a good API able to export statistical information about trades and track records, free to be used by brokers and social trading networks (such as FxStat, myFxBook, etc)
  • Create an organized and easy way for newbies to learn how to program C++ & MQL5 (using videos, interactive learning and avoiding long-ass articles)

2) Transition smoothly

  • Make it sustainable for brokers to offer both MT4 and MT5.
  • Make sure clients understand why MT5 stands out from the competition, and agressively target them to switch.
  • Really make sure to the clients that MT5 is the future, and MT4 is the past. MT4 will die.
  • Improve the broker's experience of fully transitioning from MT4 to MT5 so that it is quick, clean and cheap.


"Restructure" MT5 terminals and servers to be compatible with every latest MT4 indicator and EA, and slowly kill MT4 compatibility.
This is the Microsoft way (e.g.: windows 8 compatible with windows 2000 apps). It's shitty. Please don't do it..

G‌ood points. M‌T4 and MT5 are nearly of the same age, despite the sharp discussions there are not many differences to find. Most of the discussed arguments in favour of any of them are not strong enough either for the traders nor for the coders.

In other word - kill both MT4 and MT5 and create a new MTX, which reflects the state of technology of the 2017 year.

Ovo Cz:

MT5 server is much cheaper, in an attempt to promote it heavily.

You seem you actually do not know much about the MT4, quite high level of misinformation in your posts.

I don't know if MT5 server is cheaper or not, but, if it was, you'd think everyone would be migrating to it in droves.  But you don't.  You still see a lot of shops offering MT4 ONLY.  Especially here in the U.S. 

So, if MT5 is cheaper; there must be a more compelling reason.‌


I don't know if MT5 server is cheaper or not, but, if it was, you'd think everyone would be migrating to it in droves.  But you don't.  You still see a lot of shops offering MT4 ONLY.  Especially here in the U.S. 

So, if MT5 is cheaper; there must be a more compelling reason.‌

Yes, there definitively is. MT5 was not presented to be an upgrade, but rather to be an alternative. Currently it is presented as a complete replacements of MT4. However the MT4 and MT5 are currently so close in functionality, that the migration cost exceeds benefits.
I have used MT4 for years via my broker, FXCM.  Killing FXCM MT4 would mean our EAs and indicators would not function and that would free traders like me to chose a platform from among all those offered by the broker.  I finally got mad at Microsoft and switched to Mac for all my personal and business function with the sole exception of MT4.  If my broker eliminates it I am free to go anywhere and to any platform.  Don't imagine everybody would just follow you to your personal preference.
Ovo Cz:

Yes, there definitively is. MT5 was not presented to be an upgrade, but rather to be an alternative. Currently it is presented as a complete replacements of MT4. However the MT4 and MT5 are currently so close in functionality, that the migration cost exceeds benefits.

I am wondering what functionalities you are expecting for the platforms to be different ?

MT5 has already a lot more functionalities ‌than MT4.

wondering why still keep mt4 alive ?
Because it's legendary.