Not receiving push Notifications on Android (Samsung Note3) Smartphone

I have an EA that generates Notifications when certain chart conditions are met. The push Notifications are sent to my Samsung smartphone’s Notification page, BUT this is the problem – (1) the last notification overwrites the previous notification, so no matter how many I receive my phone’s Notification page never shows more than one and (2) most importantly, when I click on the notification, it opens my mobile MT4 app and there are NEVER any messages – for some reason the notifications are not being recorded on the mobile MT4 app’s “Message” page. I had a Samsung technician check my phone – he cleared the MT4 mobile app cache; he uninstalled and re-installed the MT4 mobile app; he rebooted the phone and checked all settings, so the problem does not seem to be the phone. I checked with Verizon, my phone carrier, and they found no issues on their end. I loaded the iphone version of MT4 mobile on my wife’s ipad and sent a “test” notification from my computer and it worked perfectly. I sent a “test” notification to my smartphone and I had the same issue described above. HELP…Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this problem. I don’t want to have to invest in an iphone just to get Notifications. (My smartphone is running Android version 4.4.2 , the mobile app is MT4 Build 636 and my desktop is running MT4 Build 670.)


I have the same problem. I have found a temporary (I hope) workaround: Install MT5 also in your android and configure the platform with the new id device. Yoy'll receive the messages in MT5 and you can operate with MT4...


Hope It helps


Thanks for your comment Jesus. Unfortunately, I am unable to find a broker in the US using the MT5 platform.
Thanks for your comment Jesus.Unfortunately, I am unable to find a broker in the US using the MT5 platform.

You don't need a US broker for that. 

See this topic for MT5 US Broker.

It worked...thanks you both!!